ASAP! Need Script to verify City/ZipCode match on Lead Landing Page


New member
Nov 26, 2009
NYC Biatch!
ASAP! Need Script to verify City/ZipCode match on Lead Landing Page

Need a script that will check to see if the zip code that the person puts in matches the city for fraud management for an offer for insurance leads that is supposed to go up on an affiliate network actually tomorrow :/

If zip does not match city, it will prompt user to input correct zip/city combination.

If you are planning on determining their zip code by IP this will not work, unless you are just looking for a range of zip codes. Zip codes by IP are not that accurate.
If you are planning on determining their zip code by IP this will not work, unless you are just looking for a range of zip codes. Zip codes by IP are not that accurate.

He said that he needs the zip code to match the city, not the IP address. Don't see any mention of IP at all.
Thanks for the responses. There s a script that I have seen implemented on sites where, if you enter a city, say New York, NY, then enter a zip code that is California, say, 90210, a pop up will say, "The zip code you entered does not match the city you entered, please enter the correct zip code." This is a simple dual table script that has all of the US zip codes and cities and matches them upon input.
you are going to have to hire a coder for this.. no one is going to do your bitch work for you for free.. oh and great job posting this in the wrong section :)