ASAP! Need Script to confirm City/ZipCode match on Lead Landing Page


New member
Nov 26, 2009
NYC Biatch!
Need a script that will look to see if the zip code that the person puts in matches the city for fraud management for an offer for insurance leads that is supposed to go up on an affiliate network actually tomorrow :/

If zip does not match city, it will prompt user to input correct zip/city combination.

hmm, dont you think you should have had that thought out before putting it on a network in less then 24 hours?
The other guys that have lead offers I talked to dont even verify anything and try to sell the mosy bullshitty leads they can. Imagine this, we are going to string verify every email and match city and zip and bounce the bad ones before we sell them off, am also building a database to ping the phone number against Google , Info USA etc , to give the lead a quality score, if the phone number and zip and city all match and the email checks we charge more. of course because of google voice not all valid phone numbers will match , but it will work with the old ladies in DeBuque with land lines searching for insurance...
There could be multiple cities per zip code, or multiple zip codes per city. So you are relying on the accuracy of your city and zip code database. Wouldn't it just be easier to grab someone's IP address and do a GEO target on that? If their input doesn't match, then tell them to re-nter it or something.

Hell, do a scrape on IPChicken or something for that info if you don't want to setup the targeting.
R0ckstun, Like I said in the other thread.. Please PM me and I can implement this for you within your timeframe.

Will also be happy to suggest other ways of verifying your data is good.
Hey I'm looking for something a lot like this..
is there a good service that will verify a bulk list of emails BEFORE i send them out to see if they are
1. real and they wont bounce
2. not spam traps