Article Writing


New member
Feb 5, 2012
I worked as a part-time article writer and oftentimes, it is just so hard to get into the mood of writing. This happens if I have to write about one topic and keyword over and over again. What do you guys do to get into the mood? Also, to set a bench mark, what's the word count of all articles you can finish in an hour?

Thanks! :)

Try to research about the topic and find out some interesting facts about it. I would say that writing high quality 500 plus words article per hour is good.
As a life coach here is my advice for you SalG...

Ask these 2 questions:
1. Do you love writing in general?
2. What makes you excited about writing?

Knowing the answer to these 2 questions is essential as it will help you to know what needs to be done.

You see when you are not in the mood, your writing shows so, and it will only be downhill. People want to read something that has been writen with passion - ok it doesn't happen all the time, and after 4000 articles I can say that there are days when you say - ohhhh nooooo!

However I love writing which is why I set up a business where we drive content online. I am excited about it.

I am a life coach - I am excited about it.

My suggestion is that if you doing something just for money - it is not the right way to go. Bill Gates rated at 100 Billion USD shows you what passion has to do with things - to the point that where there was an empty desk and you would hardly sit in it, now you do, searching online, spending hours - yes it's Windows!

It's called passion - find your passion and you will get paid for it.

If you love writing then realize that it may just be one of those days. If not then look for what you love with writing. Your skill and how you can be paid can be found in what you are doing.

Take stock of your skills, likes and dislikes. Find what works for you, what gets you excited. Sometimes our hobbies are not right as a profession to do day in day out.

I loved computers when I was younger. I got into IT and worked in a computer company as support, and few years before that I did work experience with a computer manufacturer.

Both experiences made me to focus on other things in my spare time. Kind of like we look for sex when we go partying, but if you a porn star your work and what you want to do in your spare time changes!

Look to this bit of advice. Perhaps add further information on the overall situation.
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red bull helps me fly over words, give me strength to twist and grip on ideas truning them to stories and my writing sharper... ;)
If you wait to be "in the mood", you may find yourself procrastinating more often than not. Force yourself to write whatever comes to mind, and don't overly stress about it sounding pretty. Sometimes even good writers have to settle for mediocre writing.
Writing is easier for me when I don't try to edit as I go. I just write and then go back over the article and fine-tune whatever needs it. I don't really look at how many words or articles I'm writing each day. It would vary so much because some almost write themselves while others take hours of research.
As a life coach here is my advice for you SalG...

Ask these 2 questions:
1. Do you love writing in general?
2. What makes you excited about writing?

Knowing the answer to these 2 questions is essential as it will help you to know what needs to be done.

You see when you are not in the mood, your writing shows so, and it will only be downhill. People want to read something that has been writen with passion - ok it doesn't happen all the time, and after 4000 articles I can say that there are days when you say - ohhhh nooooo!

However I love writing which is why I set up a business where we drive content online. I am excited about it.

I am a life coach - I am excited about it.

My suggestion is that if you doing something just for money - it is not the right way to go. Bill Gates rated at 100 Billion USD shows you what passion has to do with things - to the point that where there was an empty desk and you would hardly sit in it, now you do, searching online, spending hours - yes it's Windows!

It's called passion - find your passion and you will get paid for it.

If you love writing then realize that it may just be one of those days. If not then look for what you love with writing. Your skill and how you can be paid can be found in what you are doing.

Take stock of your skills, likes and dislikes. Find what works for you, what gets you excited. Sometimes our hobbies are not right as a profession to do day in day out.

I loved computers when I was younger. I got into IT and worked in a computer company as support, and few years before that I did work experience with a computer manufacturer.

Both experiences made me to focus on other things in my spare time. Kind of like we look for sex when we go partying, but if you a porn star your work and what you want to do in your spare time changes!

Look to this bit of advice. Perhaps add further information on the overall situation.

I'm sure these answers my questions on article writing. I wanted to be good at it but often times I screwed up on how to write effectively by not copying any web content elsewhere on the internet.

It's probably the reason why I quit writing 'cause I can't write articles even as much as 3000 words a day. Unique ones.
There's a difference between just pounding out word count and writing to offer quality information. If I know my topic and am interested in it, I can easily do 700-1000 words in an hour. If I have to research, even a 500-word article may take an hour and a half or two hours.
There's a difference between just pounding out word count and writing to offer quality information. If I know my topic and am interested in it, I can easily do 700-1000 words in an hour. If I have to research, even a 500-word article may take an hour and a half or two hours.

Yeah that's so true, I started writing for a new client and the switch in topics made me realize that 500 quality words isn't as small as it seems!
I worked as a part-time article writer and oftentimes, it is just so hard to get into the mood of writing. This happens if I have to write about one topic and keyword over and over again. What do you guys do to get into the mood? Also, to set a bench mark, what's the word count of all articles you can finish in an hour?

Thanks! :)

Set goals. This is business. Your feelings do not matter when the mortgage is due, food needs to be in the fridge and clothes on your back. It is not about feelings at all (if you have selected the correct occupation and have certain priorities in place). However, your feelings can take you to the VIP section of life or have you sitting in the nose bleed seats. Use, feel and understand your feelings, but do not let them drive you or aim the way. That's barring any impending danger and survival instincts, of course.

You could stop saying, believing and reinforcing to yourself that it is hard to get into the mood of writing. Not saying that it is not the case but dwelling on that does not help you get over it.

Instead of focusing on your mood, focus on the results your writing will bring you. This is where having a goal or a set of goals comes into play. Put that in your mind and if you set the proper goal it can help keep you focused on the task at hand as a motivator.

That all said to help build the mood or elevate the vibe, music is always a good choice. That is just for keeping energy through extended sessions though.

As far as word count who knows, this is nearing two hundred and it took less than five minutes to write.
It's tough to get in the mood to write sometimes. I find coffee helps. On days when I have a lot of work to do I will make a full pot and drink it throughout the day.

Sometimes if I really lose my focus it helps to go do sets of pushups/situps/listen to music/have a bite to eat. Anything to refresh your brain. It can be mind-numbing to sit at a computer for hours writing about the same topic. Keep your brain happy, and it will reward you.

I generally write about 1,000 words per hour of articles, but depending on the topic I can sometimes double or triple that.
I agree, writing is hard to get into the mood for. What I find helps is:

1) Set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes. Then I'll convince myself to sit down and start typing, but at the same time because I know there is a timer running I am forcing myself to spit out content, instead of taking too much time to think about what I am writing.

2) I write two articles and then take a break. This makes it easier to convince myself to sit down and get it done. When you think about doing something you hate to do, you will usually lump it all into a large amount of time. So if you have ten articles to write break it up into two articles at a time, instead of thinking about writing ten all at once.
Hi, I suggest whenever you are into something refresh first yourself before moving forward. Like listen to music, eat and relax. And also do mind setting about the topic you had. Take sometime to reflect if you do have experiences or background with it, and If ever you had something on your mind already, list it down. Don't also think you are pressured. Enjoy every moment that you spent on writing, I myself do this kind of strategy, Especially when the articles are rushed. In this kind of business you should be flexible and be able to adjust yourself to those expected and unexpected things. Stay calm always :) Hope it helps.

Krislyn here
If I am aware of the subject matter I can usually write around 500-600 words per hour. Im not necessarily a fast writer, but I rather create good content than just slap some stuff together and put it on the web for others to read. Its my name that's going on that work.
OK. but can some one give a suggestion about Writers block.

Bcz, I have an intention of writing things for myself, but i am not able to do so until deadline is close.