Article Submission Question


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I have a blog where I post articles on a certain subject. I understand that spun content is more effective, but will there be any negative repercussions in submitting the same article from the blog onto websites like Ezine Articles? Thanks.

Your piddly blog < established beast Ezine

So if you post the same dam article to both, who do you think will rank higher?
I have a blog where I post articles on a certain subject. I understand that spun content is more effective, but will there be any negative repercussions in submitting the same article from the blog onto websites like Ezine Articles? Thanks.

You say "spun content", then you say "same article", so you kinda lost me
there, but anyways, submitting your already self-published article to an
article directory should not be a problem. That is what syndication means.

Do you want to syndicate your articles or are you looking to "game"
directories? I didn't really get it.

I apologize for the confusion, I'm talking about actually submitting the same article (not spun). I guess what I'm really wondering is at what point does Google actually start factoring in duplicate content (how much duplicate content actually needs to exist?).
Not sure what the problem is. In the time spent waiting for your answer you could have already rewritten the article and posted to multiple directories.

Google puts non-authoritative duplicate content into supplemental results, so as l3msip told you, ezine wins this contest.