Article Spinning Manually/Article Submissions/Article SEO Packages!!!

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Domain Invester
Aug 2, 2009
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Article Spinning Manually/Article Submissions/Article SEO Packages!

Plain and simple what we do is article marketing. We help you gain exposure to your articles for backlinks and traffic.

What we offer to you is a place to get things done while you spend time achieving your other goals.

Below is a bit of what we can help you with and if you want to see more you are free to go direct to the link for more info.

Article Spinning Manually

Many here offer this service but what makes us just a bit different is WE DO IT MANUALLY!!! We have a compete Thesaurus that we use to make sure when we spin your article its going to make sense. I'm sure your tired of spun articles sounding like crap when you read it. Don't worry here since we do it by hand we are going to make sure its unique to about 50% or more of the original article.

We can spin the article as well from 25,50,75 and even 100x so this will help when it comes time to submissions

*You will also get a report of each spun article to use at your will*

Pricing differs for the amount of articles and the amount of spinning. For Wicked Fire Members ONLY we will offer a 1 week special and pricing here is good again for 1 WEEK ONLY! (pertains to 1 article spinning only, more then one please refer to website)

1 article spun 25 times = $10
1 article spun 50 times = $12
1 article spun 75 times = $15
1 article spun 100 times = $18

Article Submissions

This is something we do on a daily basis for a lot of people and it is what makes article marketing a big success for a lot of IM and others. We have a data base of over 900 + article directories that we submit to. We say we will deliver over 500 + and we say this to be well honest. Every single directory sometimes fails due to things outside of our control (site down, article does not meet requirements, etc) but we do PROMISE to get you over 500 + accepted and many of those will be indexed within 24 hours of submission. We do send to the big guns Ezine, Goarticles, CarolinaArticles etc and also smaller ones. PR ranges from PR0 and PR6 and you can see who we are linked to on the site.

Again for 1 week only we have special pricing for Wicked Fire members ONLY. (pertains to 1 article submission for special price. For more then 1 article please see site.)

*You will get a report of each site it was acceppted at with PR*

1 article submission = $15


Now for you major article marketers we offer BOTH services for a savings. We have it broken down more at our site but for Wicked Fire members we can give the best of both words. Manually spun article AND submissions are put together for a article seo package!

Again for 1 WEEK ONLY take a discount price here for a package of 1 article spun diffrent times and sent to over 500 + directories! (for more then 1 article please see website for futher details)

*You will get a report of the spun articles and the submissions*

1 article spun 25 x + 500 + submissions $20
1 article spun 50 x + 500 + submissions $23
1 article spun 75 x + 500 + submissions $26
1 article spun 100 x + 500 + submissions $29

So you now see what we do. Are we more expensive then some, maybe. But we will make sure you get what you pay for! We are a Phoenix Arizona based biz and although we do not write articles we know how to get them tracking back to you for traffic and rankings.


To make things go smooth please when sending your article please send the following...

Article (to get to the most directories please make sure the article is 300 + words)

Resoruce box info: We do not make this up for you. Please send 1-2 sentences with no more then 2 Anchor text + urls to use. Any more could be denied by some directories.

Keywords: Please send up to 6 keywords you like to use.

Categories: Each directory has a diffrent set of categories then the next. Please send up to 6 that you like to use.

Email you like to have the reports sent to.

Please say SOLD on this post and to what you are getting. PM you are ordering and will send you paypal email and email for article + info.

Work is done in 24-48 hours of PAYMENT. Please don't ask where my order is UNLESS its past a full 48 hours (2 days) since time of payment. Most of the time however it can be faster.


Ok LOL I know most of you are waiting for this so here it is...

1 FREE review of your liking to a MOD (MUST BE MOD)
1 FREE review to any member with 100 + post
1 FREE review to any member with over 20 + iTrader

Again for more info on us and what we can offer you you can visit or
FAQ section

You can also just visit us if your not ready yet as well! Article Jobs For Article Marketing

The old thread I had is closed due to upgrades and improvements!


I was wondering if I could get a review copy of the Article SEO 25 X Package?
I'd be interested in reviewing the spun 100x + 500+ submissions, thanks.
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I'm not sure what you mean "1 article spun 25 time" or 50,75,100. Can you give example and explain that in details?

I need someone that can take articles and spin them word and sentence level in spots and deliver the spin syntax version. can you do this type of service?
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