202,388 live posts
14,800 pages indexed in google
13,496 backlinks listed in yahoo site explorer
makes between $7 & $15 a month in adsense and a couple of dollars a month in infolinks.
Its got too big for shared hosting as hostgator called the waaahmbulance saying the database has outgrown a shared environment.
It was open registration and growing at an alarming rate, but after I got shouted at by hostgator I locked the signup for the time being.
PM for domain and any offers.
202,388 live posts
14,800 pages indexed in google
13,496 backlinks listed in yahoo site explorer
makes between $7 & $15 a month in adsense and a couple of dollars a month in infolinks.
Its got too big for shared hosting as hostgator called the waaahmbulance saying the database has outgrown a shared environment.
It was open registration and growing at an alarming rate, but after I got shouted at by hostgator I locked the signup for the time being.
PM for domain and any offers.