Art & Copy. Anyone seen this movie?


New member
Nov 18, 2008
It's a documentary on the advertising industry. Looks pretty good.

[ame=]YouTube - ART & COPY Trailer[/ame]

Hahahaha. Yeah, this looks like it has nothing to do with direct response marketing (or affiliate marketing really). But, it's pretty interesting. Creative people + awards = $60mm+ contracts to draw up one word pictures, or a circle, with three colors, and two lines.
Yeah, I should have said that it's not really about internet marketing or direct response. I figured it was indirectly related, if that makes sense.
It is related though. One of the people in the trailer says "There's a lot of shit in this business. But there are also people who do it right" or somesuch.

Sounds like aff/internet marketing to me. A few hundred who know what's up, and a few thousand who have no clue, but try to walk to the walk.
I saw it at Sundance last January, and in my opinion it was the best film playing there. If you like advertising, this movie is nothing short of awesome.