Arizona Style Immigration Law in California?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I was driving down the highway from San Diego (border area) back to LA yesterday and got pulled into a "checkpoint." Some immigration agent asked for my ID to make sure I wasn't illegal. My name is Russian and foreign sounding so he asked me for proof that I was a U.S. Citizen! I told him I was an American citizen and that I'm not required to have my passport on me since I'm not leaving the country. They stalled for a few minutes but ultimately let me go. The guy even had the balls to quip "Carry your passport with you next time." Does anyone know anything about this? I didn't know there are immigration checkpoints or that American citizens are required to show their "papers" to immigration agents. Wasn't sure if these were from the State or the Federal government, but it seems like the Arizona immigration law is alive and well in California.

They've had these in Arizona.

These are not new and they are not part of the immigration law that was passed and then appealed.

This is something they've been doing and still do.

You called their bluff and know your rights.

Good job.
What's the hooplah about the AZ immigration law if this kind of stuff is going on and already has been?
Another thread you might like:

and another:

"...We have held that checkpoint searches are constitutional only if justified by consent or probable cause to search....And our holding today is limited to the type of stops described in this opinion. -'[A]ny further detention...must be based on consent or probable cause.'" - U.S. v Martinez-Fuerte

All the AZ immigration law was is that if a ARIZONA cop stopped someone they suspected of being an illegal they had to ask for documentation.

Pretty sure you went through a federal immigration check.

Hence the controversy about 'states rights', and Arizona just wanted to enforce laws that were already on the Federal law books, etc

Course it just turned into a whole "but that's racist!" argument and we got away from what really happens, and what they laws actually are in this country.

But that's what happens when the media gets a hold of an issue that no one really understands and they just spin the fuck out of it on both sides.
I live in San Diego, I know the checkpoint you're talking about (10 miles north of Carlsbad on the 5, halfway through camp pendleton). We call it the Bean Counter, because 9a-7p M-F they slow down every car, wait until they can see your face, and if you're all white, they wave you through. I've been through the Bean Counter about 100 times, and only been stopped once (when I was in the car with two mexicans.)

So yeah, I think it's pretty fucked up and unconstitutional and wrong, but you're 100% right about how it works -- They stop brown people and ask them for paperwork.

EDIT -- What's most fucked up, in my opinion, is that it's actually 60 miles north of the US/MX border. It's on the one major road between all of San Diego county (where we love hiring illegals because they keep our foliage trimmed) and the rest of CA, as if doing a check on that ONE ROAD makes a difference (illegals will go around it), and it's not even 24/7. They're just there 9-5, harassing brown people (stopping them because of visual cues and nothing related to wrongdoing), and not just the illegal aliens, but every brown American who commutes from SD to LA during their business hours; the timing and location both make it just as offensive as it is ineffective, because it seems to me to communicate a policy of "We don't mind the illegals, as long as they stay down south and cut our lawns."
international corporations are slowly tightening their grip on America. You will get used to checkpoints soon and your kids will not even question them.
It doesn't only happen near the southern border. I have been stopped by Border Patrol Helicopters while snowmobiling in Northern Minnesota.

I was driving down the highway from San Diego (border area) back to LA yesterday and got pulled into a "checkpoint." Some immigration agent asked for my ID to make sure I wasn't illegal. My name is Russian and foreign sounding so he asked me for proof that I was a U.S. Citizen! I told him I was an American citizen and that I'm not required to have my passport on me since I'm not leaving the country. They stalled for a few minutes but ultimately let me go. The guy even had the balls to quip "Carry your passport with you next time." Does anyone know anything about this? I didn't know there are immigration checkpoints or that American citizens are required to show their "papers" to immigration agents. Wasn't sure if these were from the State or the Federal government, but it seems like the Arizona immigration law is alive and well in California.

I'm ok with this