Are You Buying Content That Does Not Convert? Want a Positive ROI for a Change?

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newbie taking action
Nov 3, 2008
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"Stop Paying For Content And Start Paying For Results"

If you are viewing this thread, you already know the importance content plays in the success of your website. You are among only a handful of website owners in your niche who are positioning themselves to attract massive traffic and convert that traffic into sales.

Let's review the various types of content you need.
  • Website Content
  • Quality Articles
  • Product Reviews
  • Articles for Directory Submission
As you can see, proper content creation revolves around a few factors; each one providing a specific function, while working together for a common purpose. That turn traffic into dollars.

Website Content

Once a visitor finds your site, it will be up to the content to keep that visitor at your site. It will also be responsible for turning that visitor into a repeat visitor. If your visitors are compelled by your content, they will be inspired to click, purchase, or sign up. Do you see the need for quality content?

Website Articles

Another critical feature to your website would be articles. Articles can be contained within other pages on your site, or in a specific blog on your site. If you notice, the most successful sites are centered around articles. As a matter of fact, I would list website articles as the top priority you should have in creating content.

Why? If you give the consumer information, they will trust you and form a bond with you. If your competitors offer products, but no information, who do you think they will trust? Of course…you. Set yourself apart by having high quality articles that set you up as an expert in your field. You might want to be careful who you get to write your articles, huh?

Articles for Directory Submission

I am an avid fan of articles submitted to article directories, especially if your website is new. The reason being, your website might not be indexed, or indexed poorly, but an article submitted to a directory will index rather high (depending on keyword strategy). This is a great way to get visitors to your website while experiencing low organic search engine traffic. With a few strategic articles listed in a couple of directories, you will generate a nice traffic flow at no cost.


You are obviously looking for a writer to fulfill your content creation needs, right? You have a dilemma here. Do you go with the $.008 - $.01 cent per word non English writer, whose content makes you look like an illiterate fool, or do you go with a professional writer? With a cheap writer you are guaranteed:
  • misspelled words
  • bad grammar
  • unintelligible language
  • rewritten content
Now, as far as the readers of that content goes, YOU WROTE IT! That's right, your visitors don’t know you hired a writer, and they shouldn’t. But, they are not going to take you serious if they think you write like a child.

With my services you get:

  • High Quality Content
  • Unique Content
  • Well Outlined Articles
  • Content With a Nice Flow
...and the list goes on. As you can see, you are getting a great writer who you will be using for all your content needs for years to come. You will love me that much. :D

To prove it, I am going to include my portfolio.


300 word article - $6
400 word article- $8
500 word article- $10
Complete ebook creation (40 pages) $397

PM me for more info.


Don't hire people who cant speak English, whose content does not inspire the visitor to taker action, hire me.
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