are we addicted to the internet infographic b01


New member
Sep 23, 2009
new england
internet statistics and usage


Stupid study.

Internet is simply replacing real life (outside life) for social communications and jobs/careers.

If you work on the internet or spend most of your day in a cubicle fucking around on facebook instead of doing real work, that is not an addiction.

If you use the internet for entertainment instead of television/reading/meth and you don't use it ANY MORE than you normally would the other options, then that is not an addiction.

Stay tuned for internet addiction diagnoses + awesome new drugs to cure said addiction ($$$ bling bling pfizer + others)

I can't go an hour or two without checking emails/stats/porn sites but that's normal.
Stupid study.

Internet is simply replacing real life (outside life) for social communications and jobs/careers.

If you work on the internet or spend most of your day in a cubicle fucking around on facebook instead of doing real work, that is not an addiction.

If you use the internet for entertainment instead of television/reading/meth and you don't use it ANY MORE than you normally would the other options, then that is not an addiction.

This. I mean, seriously, would people have been called addicted to farming back when that's how most people spent their whole day? Or for the more fortunate who could employ people to do the farm work, were they addicted to entertaining visitors in their sitting room with tea and conversation? I think not.
Y'know what, if my textbooks were made out of infographics or atleast the important parts concepts I would have probably paid more attention in school.
Y'know what, if my textbooks were made out of infographics or atleast the important parts concepts I would have probably paid more attention in school.

Fucking awesome idea. Yoink.

I'd agree I'm addicted to the Internet. Same way I was addicted to reading books, magazines, documentaries and movies when I was a boy. No reason to be worried about being hungry for knowledge. I don't see how it could be possible that it'd affect a relationship... unless I was a Korean mother with a WoW addiction and a new-born baby.
Nice graphic, but the addiction figures are meaningless. Blatantly someone trying to make a story out of a bunch of cobbled together studies.

WTF is "Internet addiction?"

That's like having "Telephone addiction" or "Doing stuff in the street addiction".

I bet if they excluded porn, gambling, shopping and looking for hookups on facebook (all of which are addictive in their own right), the 'problem use category' would fall right away.

I mean... otherwise why would anyone hide their usage, anymore than they'd hide the fact they were watching TV?

"Johnny!!! Are you browsing Sourceforge again?"

"No mom!!!" (quickly hides laptop under stack of porno mags)

I can't see it somehow.
Are you addicted to the internet? Have you lost friends, family, and loved ones to your addiction? Do you wish you could be a level 60 paladin in real life? Try our new Internet Addiction Kit completely risk free. Just pay shipping and handling and make sure not to cancel your credit card cause we will need to charge you out the ass after 14 days. Plus, if you order within the next 5 minutes we'll rush your order with a free bottle of sunless tanning lotion seeing as how you have become an albino.
