Are there webmastering secrets you don't tell people?

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They call him Danger Man!
Jun 25, 2006
Do you have anything that you just keep to yourself that helps you with websites, or are you an open book on forums?

I think everyone keeps their own secrets... and what works best for them. I do, anyway. Why share what's making YOU money, and increase the competition greatly?
I've got some secrets, I let them out over time typically through my blog. Really, most of it you can find out just through hard work and testing different stuff.
Information is worth money. If you've got some good tips, tricks and techniques then why should you share it with the world without making a buck for all the effort you've put in to get where you are. You only need to look at some of these guys and gals that hold conferences about a topic they are a guru at and charge $5000 per ticket. Now that's what I call leverage.
Yeah, I've got tons of secrets and simple things that work so goddamn well that I keep between my partner and I. Some things you can leak, and other things are just far too valuable to tell anyone else.
Yeah, I've got a huge secret that I don't tell anybody.

That secret is that I suck at it so far. I'm a bit ashamed and don't like anybody knowing about it, so I don't tell anybody.

Oh, wait. Dammit.
I have no secrets. I have no income and no sites up and running currently. I have lots and lots of ideas and some domains that I plan on using, just have been slacking in the effort department. I guess I expect the site to develop itself, promote itself, and then start making money on it's own why I sit back in my lazyboy.
deronsizemore said:
I have no secrets. I have no income and no sites up and running currently. I have lots and lots of ideas and some domains that I plan on using, just have been slacking in the effort department. I guess I expect the site to develop itself, promote itself, and then start making money on it's own why I sit back in my lazyboy.
you'll run out of money eventually, and you'll have no choice but to start developing something
deronsizemore said:
I have no secrets. I have no income and no sites up and running currently. I have lots and lots of ideas and some domains that I plan on using, just have been slacking in the effort department. I guess I expect the site to develop itself, promote itself, and then start making money on it's own why I sit back in my lazyboy.

Sounds like me, accept im forcing myself to make baby steps....

and so far good. :rasta:..i think..
stanley said:
you'll run out of money eventually, and you'll have no choice but to start developing something
hehe...I might have overexaggerated in my post. I do have a full time job and I have one hell of a golf addiction, so this is like the worst time for me to start getting sites up and running. After work I'm normally at the golf course.
I made once the mistake to tell my collegue (we even sit next to each other almost) that I was doing well with smilies and how to get high ranked for smilies. Almost every single keyword I was ranked high for. Next he also started with smilies & got ranked high as well for many keywords! We were 'literally' dominating pages with our smiley sites hahaha... Not long ago I made the same mistake again, this time with MySpace! Probably, I am too good for this world & like to help others. When you sit on a daily basis next to each other at work, it's difficult to keep secrets sometimes. On the other, when you both do the same you also share a lot of ideas, thoughts, etc. which helps also much! Anyway, my latest ideas I kept secret this time. :moon:
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