are people really making money?

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New member
Nov 12, 2006
Hey guys what are your stats like? I mean actual profit?

Mine's closer to 450$ this month lol

i can fill out leads myself and make $450 in 1 sitting

come on guy, work harder :p
Oh yeah, If I can get 3 more people to complete this credit card offer for me, I might get a $5 gift card to Amazon.

I need to find a more efficient way of monetizing my MSN/AIM buddy list. There's a ton of money to be made from the internets!

That would put my monthly earnings at an average of 4.5 gift cards a month. I'm almost a super affiliate.
I'm small potatoes, but I made low $x,xxx profit this month. All while basically doing nothing cause I didn't have any money to invest at the beginning of the month.
I put leaflets for ringtones on car windshields; I make more money begging on the street.
Wait, a second, there's money in this shit? The whole time I though you guys were fucking around with how much you made. Shit I got to sign me up to some adsense. I got about 100 uniques in my "Tips and Tricks on how to make your Slong Bigger" blog. I could see the money rolling in now. :D
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