Are people just so RICH these days?

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Call me Andy
Jun 27, 2006
Washinton D.C.
I just realized that about 10 people last month paid me for things I never gave them.

I didn't scam them or anything, I just forgot to check DP and my Paypal for most of last month, and realized that I had about $400 from these people that I never gave them what they paid for.

I sold a website for like $200, its been over 30 days already....I sold a few text links....nothing....etc, etc.

I know for a fact whenever I dont get what I pay for, I file a damned claim before its too late. I've even filed a claim for an amount as low as $5....I don't play around.

I didn't even get negative iTrader at DP...Guess DPers are just stupid.

Not rich stupid :) but maybe... average yearly income of american is 50k$ or more. they can afford to get into the internet, look at alot of lol banner ads like GET RICH NOW 500k IN ONE MONTH, buy ebook or somehting and just forget about it ;D
It's not necessarily bad business ethics. Bad business ethics would be if he noticed then willingly decided "Hmm...screw you, you ain't getting shit." This is more along the lines of (no offense) ignorance by accident. two cents...PayPal gives out your address. Just give them what they want unless you want a big guy named Bubba as a cellmate.

what really happened is that they made up a story about how they got scammed and created a blog post saying something along the lines of "everyone should get scammed once in their life, it builds character*cough*jon*cough*.
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