Are any of those domain price generators accurate?

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Call me Andy
Jun 27, 2006
Washinton D.C.
I've always had people like say, this domain is worth $(enter amount here) according to www.(somesitehere).com

Then, I go to that site, and its some automated site that tells me all my domains are worth something in the thousands. Are any of these sites accurate or how do you find the real worth of a domain?

In my opinion, a domain is only worth as much as you can profit from it.

Domain name pricing is something very hard to build an automated service to put a price on.

You can look at traffic stats, etc. but you also have to look at where the traffic is coming from and stuff like that.
i entered a random bunch of letters and numbers and it was still valued at $500, they don't work very well :p
lol, I've actually never used one before in my life, anyone have a link to one of them?
I think they are just link bait. If you want to sell it tommorow the price is going to be completely different from if your comfortable holding out for another 5 years.
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