arbitrage idea

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New member
Feb 2, 2008
Instead of arbitraging cpc traffic using adsense , why not arbitrage cpm traffic?
Buy traffic from the really cheap places that promise 1000 popunder visitors for $2.

Send them to page with 20-30 banners on it which pay per view (casale media, adbrite etc) Even with a profit of $1 per 1000 visitors, it would be guaranteed profit. All you would have to do is scale it up.

Anyone see any problems with this? ..I was just thinking, but this seems almost too easy

Where can you get 1000 popunders for $2? Cheapest place I know about for 1000 popunders is $4 and that traffic sucks.

The traffic still has to be somewhat targeted for it to convert ok.
there was a big thread a while ago with cpm advertisers, there are many out there who can send 1000 visitors for $2. That's the thing, you don't really need them to convert, you get paid for every visitor that sees the ad, and as long as the page loads, you get paid.
Garbage traffic will just get your Adsense Acc banned. I was getting 200-250% ROI and then smack!!
snavr I think you missed the point. Also OP if you can show us where we can get traffic for those numbers it sounds like it could work. I doubt even pay per view places would keep paying you for long though
Send them to page with 20-30 banners on it which pay per view (casale media, adbrite etc)

I think you will be canned by them soon because your traffic either didnt convert or didnt give them enough click thru rate. just my 2 cent. be careful
Most CPM program are not "CPM", they count 3-5 views as 1 views. I suggest to test it before your drive huge traffic.
It could not last long.
Advertisers are not fools.

You know why higher traffic sites get higer CPM?
That is because advertisers know their traffic is real. Even it don't convert, it's not publishers' fault.
For small site with sudden big traffic, you think they will not pause you without any hesitation? Somebody even exclude those sites before they have chance to run.
Especially for sites with many banners, banned with no brain.
You can use some black hat and drive occasional clicks from users while doing the heavy abitrage so that it look's "normal" to the advertisers. This currently works with adsense BTW...
I actually tried this exact same thing, although I did it with popunders (basically earning $3-4 CPM on a popunder that I was paying $1 CPM for). I was making a 10-20% ROI (since as another member mentioned, CPM ads rarely pay you for every unique), and then I got banned from the advertising network appx. $500 in.
I was using PopupTraffic at the time (which offered $3 popunders and $4 popups, which was 2x what anybody else was offering for junk traffic). However since then they have lowered their rates so much (when they were offering those good rates all of their ads were spyware installers), so it isn't worth it anymore.
I tried it again with audio ads a month or so ago, thinking that their high CPM ($3.5), and the fact that advertisers wouldn't ban you for it might make it worth it. However I found out that PPP ads pay for only 5% of your traffic, which is incredibly stupid, so I scrapped it again.

If you were planning on using Adsense, that wouldn't work because not enough people would click. Any other CPM banner ad would give you much lower rates then what you would be paying, especially since you are sending them garbage traffic.

However if you can find a network that actually pays $3-4 (and actualy pays for over 50% of the hits you send them) it could be a very profitable venture.
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