Arbi Question

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New member
Aug 18, 2007
I have been running my first arbi campaign using only Adwords and Adsense. For the first few weeks the number of clicks reported on Adwords always equaled the number of page impressions reported on Adsense (which only makes sense). Lately however, I have noticed that these numbers are no longer equal at the end of the day. Adwords is always showing more clicks than Adsense page impressions. I sent an email to Google to for an answer but they were of no help. Is this a sign of click fraud?

I have been running my first arbi campaign using only Adwords and Adsense. For the first few weeks the number of clicks reported on Adwords always equaled the number of page impressions reported on Adsense (which only makes sense). Lately however, I have noticed that these numbers are no longer equal at the end of the day. Adwords is always showing more clicks than Adsense page impressions. I sent an email to Google to for an answer but they were of no help. Is this a sign of click fraud?

You do realize that you may get banned.
Arbitrage is against Google TOS.

What your describing is not a good sign on the Adsense side.
maybe you are getting traffic outside of Adwords - but yeah - it's not a good idea to arbi google on both sides - pick someone else for the traffic source or someone else for offer on the landing side . . .
when this happened to me, I thought it might be that my page was taking too long to load so people were bailing before the adsense loaded. could be a hosting issue.

did you recently add any scripts like tracking scripts for example which would increase the load time of your page? for a while i had several types of tracking going which i realized might not be a good idea for that reason.

also could be adsense issue, i've noticed sometimes adsense can take a long time to load, which gives people more chance to bail before there is an impression.
Page is loading fine. I think the reason is that some people's firewalls (those surfing the internet at work) are blocking the adsense ads so it is not registering.

Ive ran into a similiar problem in the past.

Google will actually shut down your ads for that URL if they know that something not TOS cool is happening. But, ive never heard of the every once in a while type thing.

Good luck with that.
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