Arbi Noobs R Us

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My Internet is Broken
Sep 26, 2006
Alright, so in an effort not to be one of those god damn noobs who clutter up the WF forums with "wut r htmlz?" and other non-helpful questions, I'm going to do some walking, and then talk.

Here's my first attempt at walking:

Key points:
1. I'm dumb. Those adsense ads are not directly related to the content on the page, which means I'm going to get a low CTR do to people saying WTF and clicking the back button.

2. Using searchfeed, I spent 0.84, and made 0.26 over the course of ten impressions... adsense says ten, searchfeed says 14. Hrm. Regardless, 10% CTR and losing money sucks - but hey, I'm learning.

Second attempt at walking:
<link removed to prevent inflated pageview numbers :) >

Key points:
1. Yay, all of the ads are hoodia related. It helps when people are actually advertising products related to your arbi page! Amazing!

2. Weight loss keywords are expensive. Even with searchfeed, the good ones are approaching 20-30 cents.

Ok, now the talking:
How do you handle bidding on expensive keywords? Do you go for the top and pay huge amounts? Do you shoot for the middle to save money? Or give up and feed off the bottom?

Is there a tool for finding what asense bids are related to a keyword/phrase? The only way I know to do it is to change a page filename to new_keyword_moneybags.html and see what ads pop up.

Any comments about the layout would be great too - should I go with the default blue for the google adsense links to make them stand out more?

WF fuckin rocks.
- Q.
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what I would do. 1. try and line up your pictures with the ad, that will help some with click through.
2. does not matter what someone else is bidding, your max is $.10 or lower!
3. try fewer ad blocks for higher payout on clicks!
just my thoughs
what I would do. 1. try and line up your pictures with the ad, that will help some with click through.
2. does not matter what someone else is bidding, your max is $.10 or lower!
3. try fewer ad blocks for higher payout on clicks!
just my thoughs

Good tips Chris. I need to realign some of my images.

QMcFarlan, you could try using the default ad link colors to make your ads stand out that much more. I know you mentioned this in your original post. I do this on my arbi pages and get decent CTRs. Honestly, I think the worse your page looks the better your clicks will be. I'm not sure though, just a hunch.

I think your layout is OK, you might want to try the blue links to just see how it goes.

On the phone page, I would try to add some more text to it. No wonder the ads are unrelated, there is not a lot to guide them.

I am not saying you should write a ton, but a few hundred words would help.

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i would suggest a different template as well with the large or medium adsense block and more content to help the ad bot

i've also seen people mention 7search for arbi as well


So the template blows... I'll do some researching around WF and see what I can do to come up with a better template. In the meantime, I did change the links to the bright default blue, so they stand out a lot more.

Thanks for the tips on bidding for keywords Chris - 10 cents and under from for sure.

Regarding the phone page, are you sure that the reason most of the ads are unrelated is because of the lack of text, or could it be the lack of ads directly related to the Verizon Chocolate phone? All I needed to do in order to get hoodia ads to display was to place hoodia in the filename.

Fewer ad blocks... where do you draw the line between having too many and too few ads? With too few, is it more likely that the user will hit their back button if nothing pops out at them?

- Q. :1zhelp:

Thanks v1nce,

I've read around here that 7search offers better CTR for most arbi pages, and I'm planning on trying them out once I figure out how to get the best CTR from the pages I make.

As far as my template "sucking", what exactly is wrong with it? chris mentioned I should line up the pictures with the ads themselves... any other pointers?

- Q.


Sure did Saadh... figured I had to start somewhere, and that looked like it might work.

Been checking out z00pedup's site ( that he posted, and I keep thinking "man, he is one sneaky son of a bitch". All of the links to other arbi content actually look like the google ad links. Crazy good work.

Anyhow, when I have more time I'll throw it into developing a new template that doesn't look so MFA. I just wanted to dip my feet in the arbi water here...

- Q.
Nevermind.... beat me to it. I think you need to get a little more content and fewer ads, but that is what has been working for me.

They were black originally - do you think I should go back to that, or just something with a little less eyeball burn?

I'm still waiting for searchfeed to review my new listing, so I can't test the CTR difference yet...

- Q.
was planning on trying i-geek arbit template too but I've seen a lot of people using it, any other arbit site template worth looking at?
Is it advisable to do other keywords? I.E. not the overly saturated ones. But more like "carpet fittings" "posters" etc.

Would it work as well with those terms? I mean there's probably a lot more searches but it won't pay as well as some "cancer" terms and all.
I would go with black links because blue links just look ugly on brown background.

You can do two separate pages with blue or other color links and test it.

don't listen to him, he is clearly an amature. get a good template that works with blue links so the idiots who come to your site know its a link.
z00pedup's site ( is absolutely genius, in my opinion, but would it break any of the google TOS?

One point that I'm concerned about implementing into my own sites is the the way he makes his links look like adsense ads so that everything looks the same. It's a fantastic idea but would Google be happy with it?
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