Arbi making mainstream news...

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This is hardly worthy of being on business 2.0. Just more examples of spendism and creatonism. The creators support this type of activity.
great more people to jump on the bandwagon. 99% of the people who read taht article will not be able to replicate a successful arbi campaign anyways. with all the smart pricing and shit they will have no luck.
"How to beat Yahoo at its own game"

That headline makes no sense at all. No one loses in arbitrage. It's win/win all around.

Anyways, who cares what CNN writes? You think the soccer moms that read it even know what's going on? You could open up your books to those people and they'd still be clueless.
Is that only for the "search engine imitation" sites or the content based sites as well?
Advertisers lose. Arbitraged traffic converts like shit.. if you check your performance reports, its shit.

It depends on the type of arbitrage you're doing. For example in the article they wrote about shopping engines like Shopzilla buying keywords for their products then flipping them by sending the traffic to their advertisers. It goes the same for a lot of other arbitrage search engines. You're basically just transferring traffic from one search engine to the next and pocketing the difference.
This article was in Business 2.0 a while ago, not brand new. Either way, its not as straight forward as they make it sound.
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