Approaching a new Affiliate Site


New member
Jan 21, 2014
I recently decided to revive one of my old affiliate sites I haven't worked on in a little under a year. Since then i have been doing regular blogging and some freelance programming, but i wanted to give affiliate marketing another try (after very, very limited success with a Affiliate Marketing website which netted me ~20$/week).

The website already has :
A nice logo/design (which I can completely customize), and a forum (if i need it; it was part of the original plan for the website, which i scrapped)

I am debating on how to approach the content-creation and marketing part of the website - this i need help with

As I see it I have two options:

Write articles/content useful to the user until I gain a decent amount of visits daily, and then start pushing affiliate products (probably from clickbank)

Write articles/content useful to the user, although start pushing clickbank products from the beginning

The plan for the website is to write reviews/news/ & thought provoking articles, but, alongside (whether further down the road or from the start) the articles write reviews for ClickBank products

My last site which netted me a mere 20$/week, was a entire blog centered around one clickbank product; I would write guides for the niche the product was centered and then promote the product as the God-handbook for the niche


Your question is a bit confusing like it goes in 2 different directions when a simple straight forward route will make you money faster. How about you create content that is useful AND uses the Clickbank product to solve the visitor's problems. That way, you are generating targeted traffic with people who's problems you can solve and make money from day one...​
I will reiterate my signature here:

Stop trying to find the formula that will instantly make your idea into a winner. Instead of being scientists, the best marketers are artists. They realize that whatever is being sold is being purchased because it creates and emotional want, not because it fills a simple need.

That simple phrase is the key to every success I've had in my life. Create emotional want with your content. Make them get off their fat ass and go get their credit card out of their wallet. Make their ass pucker and their mouth water.

The days of slapping up some generic content and posting links to products around it is over. Go covert bro, sneak it in. Everyone loves to buy things but no one likes to be sold things.