Approaching a network as an advertiser...

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Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
I run a small company, and we've reached the point where we don't have the time (or ability really) to continue to scale our affiliate program effectively.

I've been toying with the idea of bringing someone or someone(s) on to run things. At the same time, I'm interested in leveraging a CPA network if possible... marketing isn't what we do, and it's really best left to the pros.

So, I'm looking for suggestions on which CPA network to approach, and what kind of initial investment we should expect. Start up isn't a problem, but the initial investment will certainly weigh in on what direction we go.

I work directly with advertisers, however all offers are in house - we don't work with affiliates. Hit me up if you're interested. </plug>

Really though, it really depends on what you want out of a network. CPA Networks are a dime a dozen. You should go with one that you've worked with in the past (perhaps as a publisher?)
Im thinking of doing this too.. i've had a lot of success selling products online that i import, i remember asking azoogle about it and they said i needed like 10k down to start off. I also think i would run into stock problems because it takes me over a month to get new stock manufactured... so i dont think im quite ready yet. Need a big stockpile and a fair bit of capital to get anywhere.
Brook Schaaf is a well respected veteran in the industry who can do this for you. He does consulting or can do turnkey programs as well.

Schaaf Consulting

We worked with him when starting our affiliate program. It is not cheap, but was well worth the short cut on the learning curve.
Brook Schaaf is a well respected veteran in the industry who can do this for you. He does consulting or can do turnkey programs as well.

Schaaf Consulting

We worked with him when starting our affiliate program. It is not cheap, but was well worth the short cut on the learning curve.

Diorex... you needed a consultant to set up DT? What else does he do???
What type of company is it? What product or services do you provide? There are several companies that can help your with your marketing... but it depends on what industry/market you are in.

I can't take anything you say seriously with that cheesy fucking $9.97 ebook in your signature.
You need to make sure your program is a good fit for an affiliate network. Think from the mindset of a typical search/mail affiliate... why would they want to promote your offer? Is what you're paying worth their time? What sets your offer apart from the 1000's of others?

Affiliate networks will love to take your money and offer, but you'll only get distribution if it's something worthwhile.
typically I've seen 5-15k down. Typical out clauses are 48hrs though you can usually push for 24.
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