Apple and iPhone 4 antenna


New member
Oct 14, 2007
As you all might now:

When you actually call with your brand new iphone it stops working cuz then your hand is to close to the antenna. But it wouldn't be apple when they wouldn't say "working as intended" and "just do not hold it this way"

Cuz you like pics:



But hey no biggy.

Funny thing is:

Even though they think this is not an issue they still looking for someone to fix that:

Apple - Jobs at Apple - Job description

Money quote:

"Must have strong problem solving skills"



It's hard to imagine this getting past the drawing board phase. Apple is so clueless about phones. Iphone is a great game, video, and text machine but it has and does suck as a phone.

Lesson one of designing cell phones - Dont let the user degrade the reception no matter how they hold it or whether the antenna is up or down. Notice how nokia and motorola have been doing this for years?

You know a piece of clear tape the same width as that metal thing would probably clear this up. Just put it on one or the other strips so your hand cant modify the antenna effectiveness when it touches both the bottom and side metal strips.
This is definitely a problem, the two people I speak to on Iphone 4's drop my calls non stop.


Sheep? no. Posse, yo.

On a side note- This does not surprise me one little bit.