App Functionality Planning Software?


New member
Mar 21, 2007
Estados Unidos
Does anyone use anything special for mapping out functionality for their web applications? My projects normally consist of taking something off the shelf and modifying it or custom projects with minimum functionality, but I'm working on something pretty intricate now and I need a good way of mapping out all of the functionality and linking it together. Does anyone use anything for this other than a spreadsheet or text editor? I need to make this as clear as possible for my programmer.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


every major app I build is done with pen and paper for every step except for my lists for getting shit done during implementation.

The beauty of pen and paper is it forces you away from your computer and to produce rather than read and consume on the internet. This is essential when figuring out problems and challenges.

For database schema design, I use omnigraffle with the Rails Models stencil. Xmind is great for info architecture/site structure.

Omnigraffle or photoshop for wireframing.

Pivotal tracker for bug tracking/feature planning/todo lists.