with errors?

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New member
Jun 28, 2006
Hi jon, I was just checking my websites too see if they were valid according to w3 standards, then I thought of checking and there seems to be 26 errors on You can check yourself, goto and type "". If you want me to fix these errors, i'll be glad to pm my skype details and you can drop me a line...

Validation is not important. As far as Search Engines go, they don't give a flying ****. Maybe if you were showcasing your websites off in a portfolio it would be important for the employer to see that you do good coding --- but seriously, you can waste hours upon hours to get 100% valid code. That nobody else will even look at but yourself. Or use that time wisely to produce more sites :)
GuyFromOz said:
What an absolute waste of time.
joe said:
^ hahaha indeed.

Firstly, pages that haven't been coded propperly can cause problem to those that don't have the newer web browsers.

Waste of time? pfft, your a waste of human life. By validating my websites and other people websites, i can actually write in my portfolio (resume) that my websites have been approved by w3 standards (recruiters take notice of this). So if there's someone thats wasting time, it's you making an annoying comment about something you have little knowledge about and joe blindly agrees with guyfromoz, no wonder they say "monkey see, monkey do" (i bet joe would do the same thing if guyfromoz wiped his ass :action-smiley-027: with his hand and licked it). You know what guyfromoz, you've actually wasted my time by making me teach this lesson to you, next time hopefully you'll actually think before making another stupid comment.. :throwup:

That's all for now!
vahsi000 said:
Firstly, pages that haven't been coded propperly can cause problem to those that don't have the newer web browsers.
Pretty much all of the browsers I know about prompt you for the new version to download the day they come out. Did you know that hacks are required for some browsers to render a page properly? And most of these hacks are not W3C Compliant... So don't use hacks? Harder said than done... Look at IE for Mac, for example. What a nightmare - and I couldn't care less what a page looks like on that browser, those people should not even be using a computer in the first place if they are using IE for Mac lol

Just an example, but you catch my drift... W3C is pointless unless you are presenting your work in a portfolio (even so most employers don't look at it - mine didn't!)
vahsi000 said:
Firstly, pages that haven't been coded propperly can cause problem to those that don't have the newer web browsers.

Waste of time? pfft, your a waste of human life. By validating my websites and other people websites, i can actually write in my portfolio (resume) that my websites have been approved by w3 standards (recruiters take notice of this). So if there's someone thats wasting time, it's you making an annoying comment about something you have little knowledge about and joe blindly agrees with guyfromoz, no wonder they say "monkey see, monkey do" (i bet joe would do the same thing if guyfromoz wiped his ass :action-smiley-027: with his hand and licked it). You know what guyfromoz, you've actually wasted my time by making me teach this lesson to you, next time hopefully you'll actually think before making another stupid comment.. :throwup:

That's all for now!

The truth about w3c validation.
A) It is a great way to stroke your own ego.
B) It is good for web developers to boost their resume to the human resource department who doesn't know anything but what the most current hot buzzwords are.

What does validation mean to someone who Internet marketer? NOTHING. My mother is not going to buy your widget because your website validates on the w3c.

vahsi000 said:
pages that haven't been coded properly can cause problem to those that don't have the newer web browsers.
This is actually in accurate; The newer web browsers DO support the standards better but the older browsers DON'T. You have to code around the quirks in each browsers.. and you run into more and more quirks as you look back at the older browsers. This is why some of the biggest websites on the web don't validate. Because by validating their pages, they will break their pages older browsers that don't correctly support standards.. And.. to top it off they don't care if their pages don't validate because they want to reach the maximum market share and make money.

And with that said.. that's why candy-css honky's are lame.

Cheers -Dan
vahsi000 said:
Firstly, pages that haven't been coded propperly can cause problem to those that don't have the newer web browsers.

Waste of time? pfft, your a waste of human life. By validating my websites and other people websites, i can actually write in my portfolio (resume) that my websites have been approved by w3 standards (recruiters take notice of this). So if there's someone thats wasting time, it's you making an annoying comment about something you have little knowledge about and joe blindly agrees with guyfromoz, no wonder they say "monkey see, monkey do" (i bet joe would do the same thing if guyfromoz wiped his ass :action-smiley-027: with his hand and licked it). You know what guyfromoz, you've actually wasted my time by making me teach this lesson to you, next time hopefully you'll actually think before making another stupid comment.. :throwup:

That's all for now!

Hey rim job. Fuck You.

Make your first $10 online and then start talking shit. :ak: :love-smiley-083:
revlimiter said:
Pretty much all of the browsers I know about prompt you for the new version to download the day they come out. Did you know that hacks are required for some browsers to render a page properly? And most of these hacks are not W3C Compliant... So don't use hacks? Harder said than done... Look at IE for Mac, for example. What a nightmare - and I couldn't care less what a page looks like on that browser, those people should not even be using a computer in the first place if they are using IE for Mac lol

Just an example, but you catch my drift... W3C is pointless unless you are presenting your work in a portfolio (even so most employers don't look at it - mine didn't!)

Cheers! Rev -- Lets start
vahsi000 said:
Firstly, pages that haven't been coded propperly can cause problem to those that don't have the newer web browsers.

Waste of time? pfft, your a waste of human life. By validating my websites and other people websites, i can actually write in my portfolio (resume) that my websites have been approved by w3 standards (recruiters take notice of this). So if there's someone thats wasting time, it's you making an annoying comment about something you have little knowledge about and joe blindly agrees with guyfromoz, no wonder they say "monkey see, monkey do" (i bet joe would do the same thing if guyfromoz wiped his ass :action-smiley-027: with his hand and licked it). You know what guyfromoz, you've actually wasted my time by making me teach this lesson to you, next time hopefully you'll actually think before making another stupid comment.. :throwup:

That's all for now!

I don't think you're going to enjoy your time at WickedFire. Just a hunch.
lol, all i could do right now is sit back and laugh, but the only reason i can think of why that has errors is that both of the websites are under major construction since both of them are fairly new and I don't use a CMS, instead I like to manually code my pages and clean up my errors afterwards (if you were to check elinegames, you just might be able to find some pages that has errors on them as well).

I personally don't see validating my sites as a waste of time because if the recruiter does check, I don't want to have a negative impression. I don't think most websites out there are too big, like both of my sites are small and I consider jon's blog as small-average size.

Boy, guyfromoz, i sure must've pissed you off pretty bad for you to dig up my past posts lmao. Hey joe, wtf has coding got to do with earning money? (I apologise to all monkey fanatics since I reckon even a monkey would be smarter than joe).
GuyFromOz said:
He must be too busy here.
Wow.. Good find Guyfrom..

Vahsi- so first you question me and consider me a fraud on another forum and then you ask to validate my site with proper coding? What's your hidden agenda? Are you hoping to brown nose me so that I share some golden secret with you in exchange?

Here's free tip for you..

Go fuck yourself. :action-smiley-052:
jon, you don't like criticism? I have no hidden agenda, back then I barely knew you so i questioned how legit you were, so are you going to ban me because I wrote something that you dislike? I know there is no golden secret. WOW a free tip, boy, watch my CTR go through the sky tomorow, I wish I could fuck myself but I don't have a dick that long, but with your dick, you probably do it 24/7 fucker....
You all have 24 hours to flame me as much as you all can...
If any of you have the guts to pm'ing me your msn's, i'll personally take the pleasure of flaming all of your asses back to hell.
For now, enjoy & spend your time wisely...
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