Anyones adwords account been bunk lately?

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New member
May 3, 2008
Last week has been really been pissing me off, they were doing there usual account review (i think) i had to call them, basically told me they had to consult with specialists because they had no idea why the account was not online blah blah, 3 hours later or so 2 or so of my adgroups came back online but there was one adgroup which was still doing nothing.

3-4 days later that adgroup finally goes online, now today all my ads are stopped again with no logical reason why. I even put up a new campaign tonight and its going no where as well. anyone else having troubles or is google just being a dick head to me.

yeah, actually a couple. its not that because i would of been slapped and my keywords would be up the wall but there not and i actually dint even get any of the slap so i have no idea whats going on.
My account stopped serving ads, phoned them and got escalated to the specialist team. Following morning, got a nice little suspension! Phoned again, and they refused to revoke my suspension and refused to give me a reason to my suspension.

Got a new account all setup under a new company, new address, new card, new bank etc. The works, all fine now!
why would you be suspended though? dont say you dont know why, theres a reason why they suspended you. where you doing some shady stuff?
Had a problem with delivery of my ads a couple days ago. Called, they didn't know, elevated to a specialist, they called back a few hours later saying it was a technical issue that was affecting a lot of people. Since then, delivery has been fine.
Had a problem with delivery of my ads a couple days ago. Called, they didn't know, elevated to a specialist, they called back a few hours later saying it was a technical issue that was affecting a lot of people. Since then, delivery has been fine.

Ive been having a problem too, but im kind of scared to call because of the guy that got his account suspended. im not doing anyhting wrong, but google makes me paranoid
I went through the same thing with new MCC & accounts this week. I didn't say anything until I noticed that it was only give me $50/day budget and then stopping... so I thought that it was a problem, and not "under review".

After it was "escalated" - this is stupid, everything is escalated - they told me that it was indeed under review and everything was fine and my ads were running.

So it's hit or miss - tread lightly.
Last week has been pissing me off too. I've tried new domains and nothing has worked :'(
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