anyone work with eadvertising?

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New member
May 3, 2008
have you gotten paid yet? they usually pay every monday for me and well.. its Wednesday and i haven't gotten anything yet.

I am sure you'll be paid. Richard who runs eAd usually pops up around here. I have known rich for years, he is a stand up guy and makes sure his people are taken care of. I wouldnt worry, just reach out to your AM and see whats up or contact richard who is Crashem on WF
yeah i talk to richard to hes my AM or what not. I texted him yesterday asking him what was wrong because usually i get the money the same day on monday. He said there was a problem with someone not authorizing ach payments before 3:30 pm on monday and that they would be sent out today (which was yesterday).

Well azoogle sends out there payments yesterday to and that already came in so that kinda got me worried.

Im not trying to start any problems or anything, this just got me a little worried since usually im paid extremely fast. Just wondering if everyone was experiencing the same.
I work with them, and i did not receive mine yet either.. I did get an email saying I would get it in 2 business days though. Don't worry, we'll be paid. :)
I work with them, and i did not receive mine yet either.. I did get an email saying I would get it in 2 business days though. Don't worry, we'll be paid. :)

when did you get that email? and are you talking about ach or check?

Edit: ok i got that email to i missed it. So its all good i was just worried thanks for the heads up.
You may wanna try and get in touch with someone over there before making threads like these.

are you blind? try re reading again before you post something like that. I contacted the guy who runs the company and posted what he told me. Its not a negative post at all i was just wondering if anyone got paid yet and according to the poster above me, he got paid on monday while others have to wait. thats all i wanted to know.
The op wasn't making it negative. It was whoever was so flabbergasted(I'm not going to re-read to find em) that their payment might potentially be an entire day late :eek:


three days late for your information! nah nothing negative, its just i was kinda expecting it to hit on monday, had to get some things paid off and what not so i was kinda in a rush. btw i did get paid today so yay.
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