Anyone using the adsense api?

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Depending on how they implement it I bet you could do something like I see a lot of amazon aws script sites do - sign up as a sub-affiliate of that site so they take a % of every commission you make.
Nathan said:
It would be useful if you had a business that developed web sites for people and you wanted to revenue share with them.

Sort of like reselling adsense in a way.

Do you guys think this is a good technique?
It can work if you spin it right. I've seen a few revenue sharing photo sites pop up where you get a cut of however much adsense your pages generate. It basically gets each individual person to do the marketing for you.
the article doesn't tell you about how you can share revenue, I hope the cut your get from your signups is a configurable percentage
I'm going to give his a try in a few weeks, it's definitely an interesting idea.
It can work if you spin it right. I've seen a few revenue sharing photo sites pop up where you get a cut of however much adsense your pages generate. It basically gets each individual person to do the marketing for you.
yep, I've seen those too. cool concept
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