Anyone using node.js?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
London, UK
I'm building a site in node.js (node.js) right now and am loving it! Extremely fast and super bare bones so there's no under-the-hood surprises that you'd get dealing with a complex CMS, and you can run additional stuff alongside your site, like processing reports, running cron jobs or whatever you can think of.

If you run it via Heroku (Heroku | Cloud Application Platform) you can essentially run your site for free too and scale it out easily only when needed.

yeah I am playing with it at the moment, using expressjs, socketio and backbone(not node).

Express hasn't got lots of bundled extras like you get with more established frameworks (rails, django, ci etc) but its nice and simple and you can find modules for a lot of things with npm. When I first started I found js was a bit of a mindfuck and the syntax is not the most elegant so next on the list once I really get the feel of straight js is coffeescript.