Anyone using Nifty Stats?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I'm looking for a secure stable software to track all my incomes and expenses.

I read some good things about Nifty Stats, but since youre sending all your data trough there software it would be nice to know that everything is safe and that there are no shenanigans.

Anyone had experiance with this kind of software? Who is using a tailord solution?

I'm a happy daily Nifty Stats user. Never had any problems with it. It keeps a local database of programs and login data, but I never tested with WireShark whether they send my login data through their server.
Why not take things up a notch -- have all your stats centralized like you're looking for, but not only that, also see exactly where all sales are coming from (domain, page, country, image, etc.), plus more. Check sig.
Tried out the free version of Nifty, always seemed to miss some days and I'd have to redownload the whole lot again so stopped using it.