Anyone using nanacast?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
My current membership solution isn't cutting it anymore. Nanacast looks like it will work great, but I'm a little hesitant about letting someone else host my signup, cc submit, order pages for me.

Anyone currently using them? Use them in the past? Some pros and cons etc. would be appreciated thanks for the help.

Feel free to hit me up via PM if you don't want to post here.

i have seen a few people using it for a long time. PM me and I will show u the site using it, maybe you can follow their path and see how well they do it.

They got a ton of features though and look awesome.
What were you using and why isn't it cutting it anymore?

I was using Amember. It took me a ton of time and money to customize it to do exactly what I needed... and it still wasn't enough. It takes a lot of modding to get it the way you want.

It's definitely not built for direct response either. Nearly impossible to split test sign up funnels, forms, etc.
Have you tried Wishlist Member? Integrates perfectly with OptimizePress and you can also use Mailchimp, aweber etc with it for optins.

I've never used it.

If you are planning on driving traffic I would just make sure to send them an email before you buy and make sure that you'll be able to easily test and rotate everything. has a comparison report on all of the membership solutions out there. It's premium content but I'm pretty sure they still have their 30-day trial going for $1.
Mpbiz, one good factor of nanacast is that (you’re not going to believe) it was so easy to create Upsells in Nanacast compared to others. Just the other day I had to bill a client 4 hours to fully setup and test a multiple Upsell in InfusionSoft. I could have accomplished that in 15 minutes flat with Nanacast.
Mpbiz, one good factor of nanacast is that (you’re not going to believe) it was so easy to create Upsells in Nanacast compared to others. Just the other day I had to bill a client 4 hours to fully setup and test a multiple Upsell in InfusionSoft. I could have accomplished that in 15 minutes flat with Nanacast.

I've talked with several people in the past 2 weeks that have said the same exact thing. Sounds like confusionsoft is great if you have deep pockets and love headaches.