Anyone used AdShuffle or AdSpeed?

Jan 23, 2009
I'm trying to set up media buys on high traffic sites and I don't wanna use OpenX - Even though it's free, I've heard it sucks in the long run and doesn't have good targeting and optimization capabilities.

I don't mind paying a premium for high end server since I'm looking for kickass optimization and it will pay for itself in the end...

I was thinking about either using AdShuffle or AdSpeed - anyone have and experience with either of those two?
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Never heard of them. But for $10 / month you are almost certainly not going to get a great ad server. If you want to do it right, and can afford it, take a look at any of the following:


Any of those will do a good job. You'll need a monthly contract and these services can be expensive. But like you said, if you're doing volume media buys, then you need a strong ad server and they will pay for themselves.

By the way, if you are planning to run big network buys, then you need to run off your numbers. They are not going to let you do that unless you have an established server that they trust.
The thing about OpenX is not that it sucks. It's pretty good for even medium sized buys but it's just the fact that no one will let you bill off of it.

AdShuffle is OK but the ad servers Reidy listed are phenomenal if you have the budget.
Thanks guys, input much appreciated!

Yeah that's why I don't wanna go with OpenX - even if it's free, it can cost me in the long run.

I won't be doing phenomenal volume at start but I think AdShuffle or Adspeed would be a decent place to start.
I've got adshuffle and I use it for small-medium sized buys. I don't have any huge buys going so Adshuffle works fine for me. I would think you could use it for major buys too but I've never used it for that so I can't comment.
Thanks KC for reply. Do you think they charge too much in terms of their CPM rate?

Also, I am looking for some quickass optimization - do you think adshuffle has that?

Thanks again!
^^ how's that? would love if you could offer some tips on that. I still haven't finalized on which one I wanna go with. Thanks in advance :)
To be honest, if you are just looking for something to optimize your ads on smaller media buys, any of the ones you have listed, including OpenX will probably do the job fine.

The issue arises when you want to do big, networks media buys. That's because you have to run off your own numbers and they will only trust a handful of the best (and most expensive) servers. Most of the cheaper options will probably be fine for what you are looking to do.
AdShuffle is OK but the ad servers Reidy listed are phenomenal if you have the budget.

I've got adshuffle and I use it for small-medium sized buys. I don't have any huge buys going so Adshuffle works fine for me. I would think you could use it for major buys too but I've never used it for that so I can't comment.

AdShuffle has been used to run placements on the home page and used to run roadblocks on myspace, if it can handle those loads, it can handle any size media buy anybody here can throw at it.

One of these is not like the others. Reidy made it easy, already placed appropriately.

The thing about OpenX is not that it sucks. It's pretty good for even medium sized buys but it's just the fact that no one will let you bill off of it.

AdShuffle is OK but the ad servers Reidy listed are phenomenal if you have the budget.

The thing about OpenX is that it sucks, period. And here's a secret: You aren't going to bill off of your numbers either way.
I am not much familiar with adsense but here i am getting lots of info about that. It seem that after some i would be able to follow adsense.