Anyone use VoxOx for communications?


New member
Jun 3, 2007
I'm looking to consolidate the communication chaos that is my life. VoxOx looks pretty sharp

  • email
  • voice mail
  • fax
  • IMs
  • skype
  • text messaging
  • virtual assistant
  • social media
all rolled into one.

The download looks free but says 1c/minute US with no other pricing on the site. I'm mainly concerned about moving my phone/fax to my computer without the need for 3rd party services.

I've submitted the contact form to see if I can get flat pricing but am looking to see if any of you guys have experience with them, good or bad.

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

hxxp:// (video is not showing up initially, here's the link)