Anyone use

I just starting using it, and I have to admit its pretty fucking awesome. No cons yet for me.

Edit: Also waiting for NB to get the Mint CPA offer back :D
Thought about using it but wasn't too thrilled with the concept of putting all of my bank account numbers and personally identifiable information on their servers. Seems like a target for hacking. Like the asshole who owns lifelock.
Just started using it when I found it from StumbleUpon. I like it, though some of their categorization of my shit is wrong and I had to go back in and manually set it. Can't complain when it's a free service though.
been using it for 1.5 years, love it. i would not have my finances in the relative order that they're in now without it. helped me set a budget and stick to it, and see where my monies are going. i'd be screwed without mint.
I started using after the owner of the company gave a presentation about it at LeadsCon in Vegas a couple of years back. It has some great functionality and tracking. I love it. The only negative aspect is that all of your passwords, bank, creditcard, etc info is out there.
It's pretty good, I trust it. The only downside is that it only starts organizing/importing information from your accounts after you sign up for it - e.g., before June 09 (when I signed up) I don't know how much I spent on cat food. And obviously it only works by tracking $ spent through a card - debit, credit, etc. Now that I've moved to Brooklyn I have no idea how much I spend on dinner anymore.

If you're into tracking how much you spend each month and even just want to try to stay on a budget (probably not a problem for most of the "ballers" here) then it's an excellent choice.
I remember mint when it first came around, then they ended up getting bought out by I think Intuit? It always looked like an awesome service, and could benefit from it - however I never liked the fact you had to enter in all your online banking info in it. Never ended up using it.
I love it. I use it to track where my money is going. I have basic budgets for bills setup that should remain around the same, so that way I'll know if anything is out of whack.

I use a credit or debit card all the time, only have cash on me for if I actually need it somewhere. So it does a great job tracking all of my expenses and telling me what I spend on what.

Which - it's interesting to see where all of your money goes. It tells you with nice little graphs that you spend too much money :p.

If you use cash a lot - it'll nullify the use. But if you're like me and always use plastic - it's a life saver.
Sold to Quicken I thought for 170 mil.

Good service, but fricken awesome marketing. Study them if you want to see how to market an online service well.
I signed up today. Added about 4 bank accounts, 4 credit cards, etc. Pulled everything in great. I love it so far. Only one small negative. I use Thinkorswim and I can't find it on their list.
guess you guys aren't worried about putting your financial life on someone else's server. I know we make transactions all day with our credit cards and debit cards and that anything could happen at any time. But, something just doesn't sit right with me, with MINT getting all of my personal info and it sits there on their server...

good luck bros.
Im waiting for facebook to come out with online bank account integration. minus well have everything in one spot.

single signon ftw
guess you guys aren't worried about putting your financial life on someone else's server. I know we make transactions all day with our credit cards and debit cards and that anything could happen at any time. But, something just doesn't sit right with me, with MINT getting all of my personal info and it sits there on their server...

good luck bros.

I don't use it...yet. I'm almost sold on it, but that was one of my concerns. However, I think all of your info is anonymous so although the numbers are there, they aren't tied to a person. Of course if their data is compromised it would be very easy to connect the dots, but that goes with paypal or any other financial website as well.
guess you guys aren't worried about putting your financial life on someone else's server. I know we make transactions all day with our credit cards and debit cards and that anything could happen at any time. But, something just doesn't sit right with me, with MINT getting all of my personal info and it sits there on their server...

good luck bros.

Agreed. There are some things where having a minor pain in the ass is a benefit. I won't be touching until convinced otherwise. I can spend the extra 10 minutes aggregating stuff myself.
guess you guys aren't worried about putting your financial life on someone else's server. I know we make transactions all day with our credit cards and debit cards and that anything could happen at any time. But, something just doesn't sit right with me, with MINT getting all of my personal info and it sits there on their server...

good luck bros.

Yeah, it'd be ironic if someone made off with all the loot I'm gonna earn getting people to sign up for LifeLock. At least there hasn't been some scandal where the CEO of (or Intuit now I guess) had his bank accounts hacked.