Anyone use BeyondHosting (P202 optimized web host)?

I was checking out the VPS optimized for p202 (cached and PHP tuned). Way faster than WiredTree, hit them up for a demo test and compare it to your tracker with
What a fucking useless contribution. :angryfire:

I don't know anything about them, but stay away from their "cloud hosting" product. If you notice, the screenshot for "cloud hosting" on Dedicated Servers, VPS, Domain Names, Web Hosting and Web Design - Beyond Hosting shows cPanel - nothing more than standard shared hosting.

Cloud is just the idea of being able to expand your resources.. looks like they run the shared hosting on a virtualized server, I think that makes it cloud because they could expand it if they had to.

Thanks for the link that app is awesome!
Cant cloud hosting come with cPanel installed?? I have StormonDemand, which i think is teh cloudz but i have added on cPanel to it.
There's a difference between a Cloud Server (or VPS) and a Cloud Site (such as or's systems which are more similar to shared hosting with no root access, but the site is distributed over many servers). cPanel can be installed on a "cloud server" (generally just a VPS with more network backup options & such) like Storm on Demand, but at $5/month, they're not providing cloud anything.
There's a difference between a Cloud Server (or VPS) and a Cloud Site (such as or's systems which are more similar to shared hosting with no root access, but the site is distributed over many servers). cPanel can be installed on a "cloud server" (generally just a VPS with more network backup options & such) like Storm on Demand, but at $5/month, they're not providing cloud anything.

If it has failover, like VMware Vmotion or Live Migration its still considered a Cloud, because resources are always expandable.

Directly from wiki: Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid.
Cloud computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At $5/mo * 1000+ shared hosting customers they have on each cloud machine it makes perfect sense.. its not a cloud machine dedicated to you.. its still shared hosting.
There's a difference between a Cloud Server (or VPS) and a Cloud Site (such as or's systems which are more similar to shared hosting with no root access, but the site is distributed over many servers). cPanel can be installed on a "cloud server" (generally just a VPS with more network backup options & such) like Storm on Demand, but at $5/month, they're not providing cloud anything.

Ok, but Beyond Hosting's prosper optimized deal isnt at $5, its something around $70 per month
Beyond Hosting is the shit. You get what you pay for, and you get alot more than that @ Beyond. Their support and response is just fucking ridiculous, and in the good way.

If you are expecting to run 202 on a $5 shared or cloud hosting, you are delusional.
I tested out a WiredTree VPS against p202 optimized BeyondHosting, and BeyondHosting had 50% faster redirects on average. Only translates to like half a second delay or less-- but if you're on shared hosting to run your p202, it's time to move up.
I use a cloud server from LiquidWeb and it's perfect for me, but Tyler from Beyond hosting is a huge contributer to a big cpv forum I'm a part of and apparently his customer service is amazing...his posts have been really helpful - he even had helped to troubleshoot your tracking stuff since they'll optimize your servers for both P202 AND CPV Lab.