Anyone tried Yahoo! Display Advertising?

Jan 23, 2009
I wanted to know if anyone's tried Yahoo! Display Advertising and how it went.

I talked to their rep and it seems that traffic is pretty expensive over there, however I'm not sure about quality. Also, they have super huge inventory...Anyone care to share their experience?

Thanks and happy holidays! :smilie_weihn_winki:
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Anybody who is banking off of Yahoo Display will tell you it is a piece of shit so you won't compete for adspace with them.

Anybody who thinks Yahoo Display is a piece of shit will tell you it is a piece of shit.

Test it and find out for yourself.
what the fuck is up with all these idiots putting up threads about traffic sources? Find out for yourself, nobody is gonna tell you about how it went. Do you really think that if somebody was banking off it, they'd tell you its great and to start competing with them? Get some fucking common sense.

Also, you cant advertise rebills anymore there.
You shouldn't try Yahoo Display marketing till after the first of the year as most of the big brand advertisers bid up all the space during the holidays and you will be paying top dollar for shitty inventory. I been doing very well with Yahoo Display, I usually go through a couple ad networks to get better deals on Rite Media inventory sometimes don't go directly to Yahoo. It's very profitable but you really have to watch your bids closely as it can get out of hand quickly if your doing CPC. Also you should try CPM before CPC as most of the CPC inventory is pretty crappy left overs. Hope this helps
^^ thanks rome212, I was looking for this type of answer. Or if someone had a bad experience with it or maybe a tip or two.

Having said that - Haters can fuck off.