Anyone tried Rackspace Cloud hosting?

I know Mosso had a lot of problems a couple years ago. Rackspace has always seemed insanely overpriced to me.

I have no experience with Cloud hosting, but I would be tempted to try out

You are aware there is a Hosting forum specifically for threads like this, right?
I was a mosso user for a little while. No complaints about the system or uptime, but I did feel it was a bit pricy.

I use GoGrid now (, another cloud provider but you can start with smaller CPU and memory provisions to keep costs down. One of the nice aspects about GoGrid is once you get your sever customized the way you want it you can take a snapshot of the config and you can spin up new instances with an identical config when you need them, or if you get hacked and you have a good back up on hand you can nuke the compromised VS, respin it up, and restore.
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I use it and have no complaints, but I got in before the price went up recently. It's nice not having to deal with setting up servers, not having to deal with some security issues, having unlimited bandwidth, etc. and their US based support is pretty good compared to the offshore support I used to get. The interface is also pretty easy to use and combines hosting, servers, and cloud files in one spot and one bill.

The only big issue I have found is that if you are using p202 their standard sql is 5.0, so it breaks 202 with enough clicks... In order to get MySql 5.1 which you need for 202 with a lot of click tracking, you have to get another virtual server which adds to the monthly costs, in which case it's probably cheaper/easier just to get a dedicated server.