Anyone Tried Blog Commenting Ninja?


New member
Jun 21, 2011
I've been curious about Blog Commenting Ninja ( for a while, and surprised why I haven't seen any real reviews about it. Most commenting services I've seen basically suck because they're not niche related sites (or niche sites that are crummy seo spam sites), and not niche related comments. BCN seems to be able to find real niche sites and write intelligent niche comments on its own, or, if you're posting to a popular site, you could improve the default comment a big to be higher quality. Thinking about buying this but would love to hear any reviews from people who've used it first.
Thanks and peace!

I wouldn't use this software if I were you for ethical reasons,
I know their website claims that they created that software to comply with Google's SEO guidelines, but automatically posting machine-generated comments on other blogs is still spam . It's better to build traffic ethically, and if you must use blog backlinks write these comments YOURSELF. Would you appreciate software posting comments all over your blog designed to direct traffic away?
I wouldn't use this software if I were you for ethical reasons,
I know their website claims that they created that software to comply with Google's SEO guidelines, but automatically posting machine-generated comments on other blogs is still spam . It's better to build traffic ethically, and if you must use blog backlinks write these comments YOURSELF. Would you appreciate software posting comments all over your blog designed to direct traffic away?


What is ethical in SEO? Who are we hurting by blog commenting? The users? No, they haven't arrived at the site yet. Google? No... they can remove our website with a push of a button. As well, Google is not the only source for traffic... You are referring to the ethics of being a good guy that rides his bicycle to work while everyone else drives their H2 Hummers.

If you want to be blind to the fact Google doesn't give 2 shits about you, go ahead, pat yourself on the back for "being ethical" in "Google's eyes". You talk like it's against one's religion to try to get as much traffic to your site as possible. Google is not God. You remind me of the people in 2008 that said "automatically submitting articles to article directories with software" was unethical. Instead, you should do 8 hours worth of "submitting by hand", what you can do in 5 minutes of "submitting by software". My question to that mentality is, do you even value your time?

When you are ready to stop being broke come back when you are ready to play with the big boys.

Carry on...
Yup, this proves it. Putting 'ninja' in any title gets clicks. Had to see what this was about lol
I suggest you to do the manual blog commenting. This is the best way of creating good back links since you are leaving your links to a trusted and relevant websites.
I have not used Blog Commenting Ninja. But I use scrape box many times for Blog Comments and this is long ago also. Because I have seen many sites badly beaten by the search engines like Google so I leave auto blog commenting and I also advice you to not use any software for blog comments. If you need blog comments I asked you to get it manual.

What is ethical in SEO? Who are we hurting by blog commenting? The users? No, they haven't arrived at the site yet. Google? No... they can remove our website with a push of a button. As well, Google is not the only source for traffic... You are referring to the ethics of being a good guy that rides his bicycle to work while everyone else drives their H2 Hummers.

If you want to be blind to the fact Google doesn't give 2 shits about you, go ahead, pat yourself on the back for "being ethical" in "Google's eyes". You talk like it's against one's religion to try to get as much traffic to your site as possible. Google is not God. You remind me of the people in 2008 that said "automatically submitting articles to article directories with software" was unethical. Instead, you should do 8 hours worth of "submitting by hand", what you can do in 5 minutes of "submitting by software". My question to that mentality is, do you even value your time?

When you are ready to stop being broke come back when you are ready to play with the big boys.

Carry on...

My sister tried doing affiliate marketing when she was in between jobs a few years back. She was all about being white hat and "doing things the right way" with a google-approved skin-care reivew site where she painstaklingly tried all the products on herself and documented the process with lengthy articles.

She made $2 in commissions after several months, gave up and had to get bailed out by my parents.
I heard about this software. But not yet tried. Can anyone in here is using blog commenting ninja now or have use it in the past. please tell if it really work and how effective is it.