Anyone set up revsharing on Wordpress?


New member
Nov 29, 2007
A few of my wordpress sites are becoming too time consuming to maintain with the latest news and topics on their respective niches while also continuing to promote them and build backlinks. Doing those things on my websites all while working my regular job is causing both to suffer. I thought about selling some of them off, but they hold decent rankings and earnings when they are updated regularly. These are somewhat competitive niches, so if I fall behind, another site is usually right there to overtake me. But I would like to keep the monthly earnings coming in, so I'm deciding not to sell at the moment.

So I got to thinking that maybe I could open some of them up to revsharing with Adsense. This would allow me to continue to focus on building backlinks, promoting, etc... while other people add the latest news and content.

Anyone ever set this up on a wordpress site before? Any good plugins? Any experiences good or bad?

You could hire writers it's not that expensive maybe $20 a post
Not really worth it for me. Most posts rarely exceed 100 words and a picture. It's just the quantity of them that I can't keep up with. Multiply that by a number of sites, along with my regular job, and I start to get behind fast. I wouldn't mind taking a small hit in earnings by revsharing just to keep the sites updated more frequently. I'm more looking for high school kids who are like "oooh, I can paste my adsense code here and make big moniez on the interwebz by making 5 posts a day". Most these sites target kids anyways, so the content doesn't have to be top notch, just coherent and up to date.

He could rotate adsense tags between his and whoever he is revsharing with so he doesn't expose his account to any fraud.

Exactly what I had in mind. Guess I should have stated that in my first post.

That's what I was going to add, a good plugin that lets authors login and paste their ID#'s

You know of one?