Anyone see rezV on Oprah?

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New member
Nov 29, 2008
Any of you guys caught resveratrol the miracle anti-aging pill on Oprah?

Check it out a New acai competition is here I think!!!


You mean this one?

[ame=""]YouTube - Resveratrol | Breakthrough Anti-Aging Supplement[/ame]
The anti-aging market is large, however considerably smaller than the anti-fat market.

The networks will try to pimp it as the "Next acai" because they are suffering withdrawal from acai revenue. I predict this goes nowhere, and I'm usually right about these things.
lots of people fighting for it already................seems to be going the acai way unless its really beneficial
Yes, ResV will be profitable for people.

People are always looking for a quick fix miracle that will cure that decrepit catcher's mitt they call a face.

Should you go after it? Depends. Can you handle the competition of clawing over the hordes that always follow the next big thing?

The vast majority can't. They make the attempt, get thoroughly bitch-slapped down by the l33t "ubers" banking on everything they touch due to their large budgets and more importantly, their skills, knowledge, and experience.

If you're a true n00b or even a fledgling marketer, avoid the "hype" and go for cornering the markets that may seem less profitable at first glance, but are far easier to dominate.
The anti-aging market is large, however considerably smaller than the anti-fat market.

The networks will try to pimp it as the "Next acai" because they are suffering withdrawal from acai revenue. I predict this goes nowhere, and I'm usually right about these things.

Yup, pretty much. Doesn't even compare to Acai market volume
One rez V offer that was doing 200 leads a day went to 600 yesterday and is on track for more today. Next Acai? maybe, maybe not. But then again how many people said Acai was over in Nov?
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