anyone running product driven sites?

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is anyone running product specific sites? blogs, review sites, etc. if so what affiliate programs have given you the best results, whether you run affiliate links specific to the product you focus on, or whether you run "transition" ads for products related to the product your site focuses on? I.E. running ads for cell phone accessories on a cell phone deals site, as opposed to running ads for cell phone deals on a cell phone reviews site.
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Running several product specific searchengines, review sites and blogs, so far Amazon is still my favourite. Loads of products and I just love all the things you can do with ECS...and people know and trust them.
I do. It just totally depends. It seems like the best combo has been product-specific ads in threads that talk about that specific product combined with feeding relevant affiliate stuff to other areas of the page - like brand-related coupons and current ebay auctions for that brand. And thenm of course, CPM banners, and other stuff. I am still not totally thrilled with our set-up, but it's a work in progress.

IMO, the key is relevancy, but it's hard to get all of that in without slowing down the site (for me, at least).
we talked about this before, but do you think you could have a script that goes through the site and decides what the most relevant ads are for the spots on that page? Then Cache that so it doesn't have to do it in real time. Also you'd probably want to put a weighting for example if it saw a few products it could promote and you make the most from product A it has more weight then product B. Or something along those lines.
I sell info products on the front end, offer a upsell.

Then after they purchase, I offer 2 backsells.

Finally, I email market them with aff products.

So yes, I am only an affiliate in the lest steps, the other 2 I keep 100% of profits.

I am going to mass scale it up. I have 5 sites now and adding more and more every month.

This is monetization to the extreme. Many people on here will not like me for what I have just revealed... their $1 million dollar secret.
we talked about this before, but do you think you could have a script that goes through the site and decides what the most relevant ads are for the spots on that page? Then Cache that so it doesn't have to do it in real time. Also you'd probably want to put a weighting for example if it saw a few products it could promote and you make the most from product A it has more weight then product B. Or something along those lines.

That would be great. I think I should give you the forum because you could do way more stuff with it. Haha. :p

Seriously, tho - the situation is that we get a TON of long tail-type traffic. There are 2.5 million posts that could be far better monetized, but I have trouble grapsing where to start. All of those pages are not well indexed in the forum software, and their content could surely be better matched with more relevant ads. It's just sort of overwhelming to me because I am not totally sure what the options are and I am feeling like we are sort of married to what we are already doing.

And then there's the task of matching ads to new content - ie. right when it's posted. Everything we have tried has really slowed the site because whatever the matching process is takes forever.

I am all ears for ideas. :bigear: :D

does anyone use comparison shopping engines? obviously i'm biased towards one in particular, but i think there's a lot of good things that can be done there.

We use CNET to do pricing comparisons on a CPC basis. I haven't tried others just because it would be a bit of a pain, but if you think you can do something better than CNET does for us, you are free to PM me. Ya better make it good, though. ;)

This is monetization to the extreme. Many people on here will not like me for what I have just revealed... their $1 million dollar secret.

You are a seriously strange duck.
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