Anyone run a huge product affiliate site (CJ/Linkshare)?


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I have a question on how you manage a tremendous product database. For my purpose, using CJ or LS APIs to get fresh products when a user is searching in real time is far too slow.

I've considered writing a script, that takes all their product catalog dumps and just creating a master database of all items. I can automate this, so it won't be a big deal... I was really just curious what other people might be doing. I know CJ will create fresh product catalog files when changes are made.. haven't looked into LS enough just yet.

I could also make it so when you load an individual item, it could use their API to update that individual item...

Anyone have something like this going on?

Why when there are tools like datafeedr available? I've got a few of those sites with a few hundred thousand products laying around. Took about 10 hours of setup time total, including spinning all the descriptions.

Meh, not a long term thing for me, was just playing around, but it still pays the server bill and the datafeedr fee.
Why when there are tools like datafeedr available? I've got a few of those sites with a few hundred thousand products laying around. Took about 10 hours of setup time total, including spinning all the descriptions.

Meh, not a long term thing for me, was just playing around, but it still pays the server bill and the datafeedr fee.

The project I am building needs to get items much faster than the API can provide.

I need the items already loaded into my database so I can run my queries much faster.

I am using infinite scroll as well to display products.. it would be way too much lag time to query specific keywords, etc, using their API.

With CJ I am able to get full product exports in .gz files.... I wrote a script to uncompress and add all those items into my DB which is perfect. I just applied to Link Shares e merchant thing to be able to get their full product exports...

My site is going to be more than just a static site with individual products which is why I need to build this database.

Maybe I need to look into datafeedr a bit more and see if it can help me..
I was able to do this all and automate it btw... if you work with CJ or LS and are interested.. shoot me a PM :p