Anyone Ride WaveRunners?

HKSEO Rotzee

New member
Apr 10, 2011
I have a 2011 FX SHO Supercharged Yamaha....its fast as all fuck, 0-35mph in 1.5 seconds and easily hits 70mph on the water....but its a 3 seater. Its hard to do tricks on it like the smaller one seaters or the literal jetski's you stand up on.

Anyway, Its a blast jumping wakes or waves at the beach, but around the lake it can get old after awhile. I'm kind of an adrenaline junkie and just riding gets boring so I keep trying to come up with tricks. (Ridding backwards on handlebars and then doing 180's, skiing on the side of the boat with both feet in the water then taking off and letting jetskii pull you back on boat etc)

I'm trying to think of new things to do, Does anybody else ride or know of any videos showing anyone do anything besides jump waves on a 2 or 3 seater?

Here is me fucking around on my WaveRunner


But I agree, saying a 29 year old is too old for that shit is racist.

The tricks aren't for other people...its for yourself. Its the adrenaline rush. I guarantee you aren't bored ridding backwards on the handlebars of a machine that goes 0-35mph faster than an F-16 Fighter Jet on an AirCraft carrier. Most people I let ride it freak out just from riding it and sitting down normal.

And Skiing on the side of your waverunner, or jumping in the water and making it donuts around you is also a great way to disguise "Peeing in the water" with a trick LMFAO!
...LMFAO...I just realized the little kid said that was racist HAHAHA! I never noticed he said that lol I thought you were being funny.
99% of jet-skiers on the lake or river are a fucking nuisance. Most of them have no business operating a row boat much less a 60mph water rocket.

Jet-skiers see my wake boat and think its an instant invitation to come jump my wake, regardless if I have a rider or not. HURR fucking morons. Funny thing, they don't seem to be as good at dodging projectiles as they do turning a steering wheel.
99% of jet-skiers on the lake or river are a fucking nuisance. Most of them have no business operating a row boat much less a 60mph water rocket.

Jet-skiers see my wake boat and think its an instant invitation to come jump my wake, regardless if I have a rider or not. HURR fucking morons. Funny thing, they don't seem to be as good at dodging projectiles as they do turning a steering wheel.

I'd actually agree with this. I'm one of the guys who actually took the boaters safety course. I'm well aware of all the rules and behave appropriately on the lake.

I don't do things like this unless I'm in a cleared area and I don't jump wakes of a boat unless it's a friend and he is ok with it, or a boater gives me permission. And any one jumping wakes while your pulling a rider is an idiot..if they fall off, they will run over them.

That being said, its not exclusive to jetski's. There are a lot of drunk idiots on boats who don't know port side from starboard, they back their trailers into the water and THEN start getting everything ready..instead of having things ready to go before they back in to the water, blocking up a lane and they rarely follow boating etiquette.

Half the boaters don't know who the stand on or give way vessel is so I just assume everyone doesn't know the rules, I follow them the best I can, stay ready for anything, and try to be deliberate and obvious with what I'm doing when close to other vessels.
That's actually pretty impressive.

Thanks... Ridding a waverunner is one of those things that sometimes feels better than it looks. Watching it from home, dry, with no adrenaline in some boring room on a computer is a lot different than soaked, sitting backwards on a machine rumbling, flying through the water at 50-70 mph about to tip over and send you slamming in to water at speeds that will feel like sand when you hit it.

You have to lean and move, tilt and control it just right you have to hit the gas at the right time and with the right amount of pressure...and you feel the wind and water smacking you so hard you can feel every sing Mile Per Hour that you are going, reminding you how much you better not fuck up and be perfect. Your adrenaline is rushing and its fun as shit.

I know how scary it was the first time I did it...and I've been jetskiing for over 15 years. Anyone who says its no big deal, to ride a super charged waverunner, backwards at those speeds and doing a 180 has either never fallen off a jet ski doing 60+mph or never felt the kick of a supercharged jetski and how hard it is just to hold on.
I'm a boat guy. I just got my Edelbrock 1409 delivered today so im stoked. Waverunners are weak. So boats or gtfo.

[ame=]Step Brothers "Boats 'N Hoes" (HD) - YouTube[/ame]

..........I remember one time for lol's I took a waverunner on shore because I couldnt cut it in time because I noticed rocks. So I took that bitch on land like it was a fucking ATV. What now?
Thanks... Ridding a waverunner is one of those things that sometimes feels better than it looks. Watching it from home, dry, with no adrenaline in some boring room on a computer is a lot different than soaked, sitting backwards on a machine rumbling, flying through the water at 50-70 mph about to tip over and send you slamming in to water at speeds that will feel like sand when you hit it.

You have to lean and move, tilt and control it just right you have to hit the gas at the right time and with the right amount of pressure...and you feel the wind and water smacking you so hard you can feel every sing Mile Per Hour that you are going, reminding you how much you better not fuck up and be perfect. Your adrenaline is rushing and its fun as shit.

I know how scary it was the first time I did it...and I've been jetskiing for over 15 years. Anyone who says its no big deal, to ride a super charged waverunner, backwards at those speeds and doing a 180 has either never fallen off a jet ski doing 60+mph or never felt the kick of a supercharged jetski and how hard it is just to hold on.

Yeah, a few years back my buddy had 2 08 Yamaha's that (I believe) were super charged. They were the real deal too, I hit 73 on it when the lake was flat. I remember, just cruising a few miles was like a damn work out, but fuck it was fun.

I flew off the damn thing once going about 50. I just remember my hands slipped off the grip and as I reached down to try and grab it I was already in the air and about 5 feet behind the entire thing. I lucked out, nothing bad happened, I just rolled on the water a few yards and got the wind knocked out of me. Good times.

I'm envious of all you that live near the ocean. I'll be making my way out there one of these days. I just hope I never have to add myself to my signature below.
@ metalshark, fuck waverunners then, try scuba diving. I see sharks all the time :) Yet to see a great white though, despite the fact that I dive in their breeding grounds (a certain area off the channel/catalina islands).
@ metalshark, fuck waverunners then, try scuba diving. I see sharks all the time :) Yet to see a great white though, despite the fact that I dive in their breeding grounds (a certain area off the channel/catalina islands).

I think I'd be alright going my entire life without seeing a shark in the wild. I did go to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay though.

I'd actually agree with this. I'm one of the guys who actually took the boaters safety course. I'm well aware of all the rules and behave appropriately on the lake.

I don't do things like this unless I'm in a cleared area and I don't jump wakes of a boat unless it's a friend and he is ok with it, or a boater gives me permission. And any one jumping wakes while your pulling a rider is an idiot..if they fall off, they will run over them.

That being said, its not exclusive to jetski's. There are a lot of drunk idiots on boats who don't know port side from starboard, they back their trailers into the water and THEN start getting everything ready..instead of having things ready to go before they back in to the water, blocking up a lane and they rarely follow boating etiquette.

Half the boaters don't know who the stand on or give way vessel is so I just assume everyone doesn't know the rules, I follow them the best I can, stay ready for anything, and try to be deliberate and obvious with what I'm doing when close to other vessels.

Then you are the 1%. And as far as other retard boaters, we berate them all equally.

Dresden, that's a carb, not a boat. You can't float on a carb, I don't care how racist you are.
Get the fuck off that sit-down pig boat, and ride a stand-up jetski!!:)

The new 800s by Kawi are amazing, but the older 90's twin-carb pro 750s are more nimble and more fun if you're a smaller guy.

I grew up around boats and sit down jetskis, but then my dad bought some standups when I was 10 and the fun is incomparable. It's like driving a car vs riding a spor tike. Here's some tricks you can aspire to, they're not even that hard (compared to say doing a flip on a snowboard etc.) [ame=""]Jet Ski Freestyle Havasu - YouTube[/ame]
Get the fuck off that sit-down pig boat, and ride a stand-up jetski!!:)

The new 800s by Kawi are amazing, but the older 90's twin-carb pro 750s are more nimble and more fun if you're a smaller guy.

I grew up around boats and sit down jetskis, but then my dad bought some standups when I was 10 and the fun is incomparable. It's like driving a car vs riding a spor tike. Here's some tricks you can aspire to, they're not even that hard (compared to say doing a flip on a snowboard etc.) Jet Ski Freestyle Havasu - YouTube

Trust me, I'm well aware of the stand ups. I want one and I'd be doing crazy shit like that all day lol. I'm sure I'll pick one up some day, hopefully before my body is too old and beat up to do some crazy shit =D