Anyone reccomend a good banner marketing course?


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I have seen that a course has been released today called banner ad blueprint (dot com) which is priced at $77 plus various upsells at $197 and then a sneaky monthly at $47. Great sales video (49mins) but I am always suspicious of these hyped up vids plus upsells that the quality of content is lacking in some way.

Anyway I am looking for a quality Banner marketing course at a sensible one-off price....anyone know of one?


You want to know how to learn banner marketing? First, do research on your own. Then, do what I'm fucking doing and burn some cash testing shit. You will lose money and likely not make any back. But at least you'll know how display advertising works.
[Spacebook:] I can’t believe (they sniffed me out on my first post)!

[Yoda:] That is why you fail.

do or do not....there is no try