Anyone Making Bank With Yahoo PPC?

Mr. Mojorisin

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Is anyone making good money promoting Yahoo PPC? I have launched a number of campaigns and gotten a few profitable but the volume is terrible.

It seems like 90% of the traffic comes from the "Yahoo Partner" sites which converts like garbage. The traffic that comes straight from Yahoo converts well but there is little of it.

Anyone doing well with it?

so get more yahoo traffic then or find the few YPN sites that do convert. Use tracking, segment your keywords into related long tail and ad groups, get better ctr.

This should get your CPC down and give you more volume.
Yahoo already like 3 times less than Google, it was like 5. Of course there are people. If you want to miss close to 20% US population, don't use Yahoo:)
I run debt offers on Yahoo, I do well. If you want to increase your ratio of yahoo search visitors vs partners, you will need to increase your bids. Keep increasing your bid, and with it you will see the ratio leaning more towards search visitors.
Yahoo Traffic Rocks

Yahoo traffic rocks if you know what you're doing. Unlike google, yahoo alows you to post up 1 page presale pages. This is a great source of traffic.

so get more yahoo traffic then or find the few YPN sites that do convert. Use tracking, segment your keywords into related long tail and ad groups, get better ctr.

This should get your CPC down and give you more volume.

Right here FTW. I always take out a lot of those shitty third party sites and just get the ones that convert (you will see patterns after like a week, there are certain ones that are just absolute garbage).
yes, i am,
yahoo ppc is much cheaper then adwords

Yahoo is cheaper and you can get away w/ a lot more....

If you are just starting out it is a great jumping off point...AND they do have a customer service in...when i first started i got a nice old lady helping me out sending me some free stuff and pushing my ads through the process a little faster.
I have seen directlinked ads on yahoo, hell even on google (but you need to be best of affiliates to keep in that place here, hehe)