Anyone know the best marketing technique?


New member
May 6, 2012
I have been into to free classified scene for a very long time, and is coming along well. yes, just another classified site competing against the big boys. our only attention is coming off the serps. How do we let people know that we allow links, images, anchor text, youtube videos and paypal buttons? That we decide who gets removed. Any writers out there that can help our company get noticed for what we do? does have a future. it is fully seo. Ads get indexed by google pretty fast. Any writer to help us with article writing? please reply. thanks alot.

Boobs icon with no boobs. And spamming your link.

This will not end well for you.

Also, your elbows are way too pointy in your avatar pic (can't really see them, just guessing though).

Nice :) Can't see the pic in Jiujitsu post so I just clicked the link This boob showed up!
Boobs icon, BJslist, yet not a single hooker on the entire site.