Anyone know if Winautomation can be used to create a Google SERP scraper?


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Was thinking about creating a Google SERP scraper of my own to obtain some backlinks cause I'm broke and can't afford scrapebox.....will WinAutomation be able to scrape the SERPS for links?
If not what's another good program that will work?

Write articles until you have $49.

forgo the dinner out for a night and buy scrapebox.

edit: jesus your asking about other programs besides sb? If you can't afford sb then what else do you think you could possibly purchase?
forgo the dinner out for a night and buy scrapebox.

edit: jesus your asking about other programs besides sb? If you can't afford sb then what else do you think you could possibly purchase?

Brownbagging lunches for a week or so would also work. The average fast food combo is about $7. It adds up.