Anyone know freebsd?

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Photoshop God
Jun 26, 2006
I have a server running freebsd, it is a webserver, router and firewall. There is one website, external to this webserver and network that when I try to go there it says not found. I know the site is working. When I ping the site from the freebsd machine I get a different ip number than the correct ip for the site.

Any ideas what would be causing the ip to get fucked?

I have beginner -> intermediate unix skills, keep that in mind if replying.


Can you view the site correctly locally?

If you have links or lynx, try browsing there from the console, otherwise try a raw connection from netcat or telnet.
If I enter the url on a computer on our network I get the not found message. If I enter the correct ip for the site it works. When I ping the url it shows trying to ping an incorrect ip number.

Something on the freebsd machine seems to be corrupting the ip it needs. There is only one url that I have seen that has done this. This url has worked in the past, it is an office suply business.

Thanks for the help.
As greenhams said, sounds like a DNS issue.

from a windows command line, do 'nslookup'

If you get a different IP than you expect, then the DNS is your problem.
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