Anyone in Berlin?


New member
Jun 24, 2006
Here for next 3 months.
Maybe get some drinkup event organized?

Lots of promising techy startup related stuff in here, it seems.

I am probably coming soon. What is you skill-set/way of making cash? Age etc etc. Do you recommend Berlin for a digital nomad hub based on your time there so far?
Mate will you be in Berlin from the 26th - 29th? I'll be there for Techcrunch Disrupt ;)

Btw, how's the city? Food? People?
I'm in Berlin for a week now.

One thing that really stuck with me is how all the people are super nice.
The nicest people ever (and I've been places).

Food is really great so far. Big variety indeed. But, I know nothing, I'm yet to discover the real Berlin, as I just booked an apartment for 2 months. (btw, hotels cannot figure out wifi)

They have this startup hub called Berlin - betahaus | Werte werden nicht mehr in klassischen Büros geschaffen. Wertschöpfung findet statt an unterschiedlichen Orten, zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten that looks mad interesting. It's like a shared office setup, where you get a table and work with startup and internet minded people on couple of floors with fast net and shit.

Apparently lots of startups are born in here right now, as government is pushing heavily for it and its multicultural landscape is helping lots (altho many are still complaining on high taxes and nightmare bureaucracy).

Going to visit Hamburg tomorrow for 2 days (hopefully I come back).

I'm here until November, so whoever gets here or is already here, holla at me.
When I think of german technology I think of this: (which is awesome lol)

fastforward to 2:00
[ame=]World's first manned flight with an electric multicopter - YouTube[/ame]
people are nice but they're not friendly. there's no craic. i couldn't stay there for more than 2 weeks without killing myself

OP, there's a Stripe meetup tonight in Prater garten beer garden which is decent. That could be good.
I'm in Berlin for a week now.

One thing that really stuck with me is how all the people are super nice.
The nicest people ever (and I've been places).

Food is really great so far. Big variety indeed. But, I know nothing, I'm yet to discover the real Berlin, as I just booked an apartment for 2 months. (btw, hotels cannot figure out wifi)

They have this startup hub called Berlin - betahaus | Werte werden nicht mehr in klassischen Büros geschaffen. Wertschöpfung findet statt an unterschiedlichen Orten, zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten that looks mad interesting. It's like a shared office setup, where you get a table and work with startup and internet minded people on couple of floors with fast net and shit.

Apparently lots of startups are born in here right now, as government is pushing heavily for it and its multicultural landscape is helping lots (altho many are still complaining on high taxes and nightmare bureaucracy).

Going to visit Hamburg tomorrow for 2 days (hopefully I come back).

I'm here until November, so whoever gets here or is already here, holla at me.

Aren't taxes around 23% in Germany? Pretty low compared to my country (Italy, at 30 - 55%).
Nope, depends on how much you earn of course but highest percentage is around 50%. Also bureaucracy is total hell.. You need proof for everything and you need to save every document for 10 years and stuff like that..

Funny that you say the people in Berlin are super nice. Usually they have the reputation to be a bit arrogant and not that friendly. Depends on who you met of course.

Have fun in Hamburg, it's the nicest city in Germany imho!
If you like it snobby and rich - very true! Hamburgers have a reputation for being cold and unfriendly though. You have to really get to know them before they open up. But there are tons of people migrating to Hamburg, so culture is getting mixed up a bit.....

You should visit Hamburg. Once there you don't want to go back.
Yep. Hamburg is reputed to be unfriendly and rude.

I wouldn't know... I moved there and lived there for ten years... loved it, never had a problem with the people.

The talk is not rude, it is straightforward and to the point. Hamburgians also love some ribbing, so you can get into a nice exchange anywhere.

But you have to be prepared for that, oftentimes people mistake the joking/ribbing as serious abuse, whereas to the Hamburgians, it just isn't.
It is a rough friendliness which a lot of people mistake as the opposite.

Now I live in Switzerland, where people are so fucking polite, I felt like being in a course for good manners when I moved here. The truth is that people here are backstabbers.

TL;DR Love Hamburg
Now I live in Switzerland, where people are so fucking polite, I felt like being in a course for good manners when I moved here. The truth is that people here are backstabbers.

They're saying the same about cologne: Overtly friendly and you can never tell if they really like you. It's weird that there is this strange connection between hamburg and cologne. Perhaps because they're the opposite of each other.

Personally, i prefer the down to earth but still straightforward attitude of the Ruhrpott and the partnership mentality which can still be found in parts of eastern germany.
Back in Berlin...

Hamburg is a beautiful city, but 2 days was not really enough to meet the locals and understand what's up.
It does have a non hectic feel, like you would feel in a big city (altho Hamburg has 2 million citizens)

And yes, Hamburger has something to do with Hamburg :D

Hamburger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia