Anyone here use Azoogle?

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Hasalarge Member
Sep 10, 2007
I've been using them for a couple of weeks, and I've just realized that I cant find any kind of page w/ a payment history. Is there any way to find out if azoogle has sent a payment? I can't seem to find it.

I haven't quite found one of those pages either...

Call or email your AM and see if they can get you that info, and while you're at it, put in a feature request for a payment history page. Hopefully if they get enough requests, they'll finally add what every other network has.
It doesn't exist. At the end of each month I do a by day report for the past month and save it .csv
Payment goes out on the 15th for the month before. I've used them for a year and it's been like clock-work. When I got checks, they came about the 17th-20th. Direct Deposit is there on the 15th or 16th every month.
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