Anyone here making good money as an Amazon affiliate?


Jun 26, 2006
I have an opportunity for anyone who is currently generating good income (or at least a few hundred dollars per month) by selling Amazon products, so long as most of their sales come from a single tight group of similar products.

In other words, remember when building Amazon affiliate review websites was all the rage? Is ANYONE at all still ranking? lol


I'm selling about 10k/month of a single product... through Amazon FBA, though, not as an affiliate. Still, if you're into the Amazon game, we should talk.
I have an opportunity for anyone who is currently generating good income (or at least a few hundred dollars per month) by selling Amazon products, so long as most of their sales come from a single tight group of similar products.

In other words, remember when building Amazon affiliate review websites was all the rage? Is ANYONE at all still ranking? lol

I still am, but its gone downhill from the amazon side - they keep making the rules harder and paying out less.
People are still making a good living with the Amazon as affiliates. At least $1K/mo.

You need to know about how to market Amazon's products on the internet.
People are still making a good living with the Amazon as affiliates. At least $1K/mo.

You need to know about how to market Amazon's products on the internet.

Will your free report tell me how to do this?

I want to enter my email but I'm scared.
Hey g1c9!!
I would recommend adding thousands of products to a store (not review sites). Google still likes long tail keywords. They get indexed pretty fast. That's why you see Amazon popping up all over Google. Here is some good articles about this strategy -
2009 thread tag is funny... someone was late to the amazon game, lol.

What do you mean by late to the party?

I know that Amazon sites have a stigma attached to them, but why is it not a good idea to promote Amazon review sites anymore?

I'm asking because I just built 4 and bought some links. I wanted to see for myself, but if there's something I'm missing I'd like to know about it.

I have a habit of being late to the party lately. ;/
Road to success: having started digging a hole, persist at it and do not be thrown around like a teenage girl. Consistent and slow-n-steady digging hits the gold the fastest. Jumping around and starting 100s of mini-holes leads to distraction and none of the holes hit the gold. One-pointedness, concentration, unwavering attention is the name of the game.

Be it amazon, adsense or facebook, your success depends on YOU, on your ability to digg deeper and not be distracted in the midst of the storm.

As with everything balance of male and female is important.

Time and being on time and following the trends are the qualities of the feminine and while they are EXTREMELY important, having found a good field to dig your hole, remain at it like an unchanging military general.

What is the use of jumping around and being swayed by opinions of everyone you talk to? Become the tree with the trunk that is impossible to topple.

To your success bros.
There's no jumping around? What happened to testing? That's jumping around now?

Isn't that what forums are for, to discuss why people say something?