Anyone have experience with starting a forum?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I have a good domain for an upcoming popular computer game that I'm trying to set up a forum / news site on. If anyone has any experience with setting up forums and specifically in the gaming niche, I'd really appreciate any input.

For one thing, I'll be making a post in the buy/sell section looking for forum posters soon, so if anyone's interested, PM me and I'll let you know details very soon.

I got one. I started with phpBB and shit start breaking apart after you install a bunch mods THEN trying to upgrade to the new version.

I got fed up with it and migrated to vBulletin, best decision ever for the forum.

Don't bother hiring forum posters, most of them are useless. If you are seeking members to register, just set up a few sections for "game strategy and tips" or buy some ebooks and make people have to register before they can see it or download it

It is tough as hell at the beginning to build a community, but once you get it going, it grows quick and without much work. All
Not sure what your ideal timeframe to launch is, but my suggestion would be to build yourself a nice optin list. Build loyalty, then blast out an announcement that the forum is open. Bam, populated forum, no need for paid posters, which suck anyway.
it seems like phpbb targets spammers and hackers too. I setup a forum using phpbb (it now runs vB) and with phpbb within a couple weeks it was getting hundreds of spam post with almost literally no "advertising" of the forum.